How did we get here ?

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by bgmg

    After many months of battling MC's bugs and terrible odds, I have finally succeeded in assembling the challenge room thus getting a shulker, an elder guardian, a wither skeleton, and a dolphin in the same room.

    Many thanks to those who helped me and those who contributed !

    Here is a showcase of the final build and after that, some pics about the adventure that bringing those creatures together was !

    Functional machine - [will update interior soon]

    Pics about the adventure of getting the shulker out:

    Failed attempt #3 :
    Out of the end - one hell of a challenge extracting it from spawn :
    Daily voyage for around a month in the overworld :

    Pics about getting the elder back (different machine design)

    Thank you again to all those who helped !

    Special thanks to @Eberk for the guardian's blessings

  2. That is some respectable dedication.

  3. Sweet :D

  4. waow

  5. That's insane

  6. This is amazing, the build alone is fantastic but transporting mobs might be the most painful thing to do in Minecraft and you picked the hardest mobs to do it with.

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