The Problem With Mending

  1. 8 years ago

    Today, I have made numerous attempts to sell a set of Godarmor to the masses of the server. On 1.8, the set of armor would go flying off the shelf like a hotcake, but that wasn't the case today. I then came to the conclusion that there was a culprit that was in the control of Mojang: the Mending enchantment. Before in 1.8, armor and tools had limited use depending on the anvil's max repair level of 39. It wouldn't let you repair after 39 by saying "Too Expensive!" This isn't a problem in 1.9 however because a mob grinder or just mining ores gives enough XP to repair armor and tools with Mending. In other words, Mending has broken the barter economy of vanilla servers due to there being an unlimited supply of XP to repair with. I'm not sure what this means for the Mending enchantment, but the SMP economy (at least on vanilla servers) won't be the same.
    If anyone has thoughts on this, I'd love to hear em.


  2. Yea true i guess it does. But hey now you can have more diamonds since you dont have to repair.

  3. Mending does effect the market system but it also saves players resources that they could have saved up and used. If neglected, a tool or an armor with mending on it could break easily. However, this is a rare case of forgetting to recharge your items. Although mending alleviates the problem of having to recharge your item's durability, it would take off the hard work associated with Minecraft. I don't even know where I'm going with this post atm.

  4. I don't really see the problem. Mending is so much easier than repairing, and I find it great on anything except pickaxes and axes. I don't understand how mending affects the sale.

  5. Craft some diamond blocks and do a trade up for some elytra or something. Plus people often die im sure someone would buy some god armor.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by BoneChi11er

    Mending is more of an "end game" enchantment. As far as I know, the only 2 places you can get it is in the end or getting really lucky with a villager. Either way, you spend a lot of resources and time before you can actually obtain 1 enchantment, let alone enough for the rest of your equipment. Unbreaking is easier to obtain via enchantment table and other means, making it the first enchantment out of the 2 you'll probably get in-game. Though once you do get your hands on mending, unbreaking does become pointless.

  7. Mending hasn't broken a barter economy. It simply devalued armor. The Minecraft Devs also don't build their game around large servers where resources are being accessed from 40+ places at once. Mending is bound to be easier to find and obtain when there is a larger scale economy as opposed to the intended single-player or "play with a few friends" experience.

  8. Mending has made the game far too easy tbh.
    There is no actual effort involved in gathering the resources for armour beyond the first set now.
    If mending where uber rare and not available from villagers then msybe itd work, but its not.

  9. we should go back to 1.8

  10. Id buy it from ya spy, if it has full enchants and youre willing to wait a week for me to get my laptop back xD

  11. outshOtz

    30 May 2016 Suspended

    i agree with warriior

  12. criaotic

    30 May 2016 Suspended

    1.8 would be a nice change

  13. Thats why the legacy server exists

  14. Well, with people spending less dia on armor, it means either high spending on other things, or inflation, depending on your point of view

  15. @All fair points made gentlemen, but I still think it's a bit OP. Even though it takes a while to get Mending, once you get it, it's pretty much game set match. As long as you don't die, you can use one set of gear.

  16. just get with the program and sell mending books

  17. Quartz blocks would be popular and how about tulips?

  18. There is now more currency in circulation, but it is worth less. This is indeed inflation.

    We need to raise taxes! :P

  19. @_Haxington_ There is now more currency in circulation, but it is worth less. This is indeed inflation.

    We need to raise taxes! :P

    Wouldn't it only be inflation if prices were to rise?

  20. No inflation means that there is more money in circulation, but that money is worth less because it is not as valuable or rare.

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