More server commands

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by GibsonAxe

    Here are some of the newer commands available, list may be incomplete but will be updated.If you see one thats missing plz post it and it will be added to the list.

    Vote? - vote links
    Ranks? - Displays the ranks of staff and players
    Balance? or Credits? - Displays the amount of vote you can spend
    total votes? - Displays your total sum of votes made
    restart? - Displays when the next restart will happen
    clear- Displays time before next item clear
    stats? or kd? - Displays your K/D
    kills? - Displays the amount of kills you have
    deaths? - Displays your Deaths
    book? - Link for a new book
    rules? / Faq - Link to the rules pg, faq pg link is just above
    forums? - Link to the forums
    Time? - Displays the current game time
    joke? - Server jokes
    fact? - Server facts
    what is love?- Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
    border ? - Displays the map size
    ticks? - Displays your ticks(20 ticks= 1 sec ingame time)
    spawn? - Displays Spawns Coords
    donate? - Link to donate
    pvp? - Explains the pvp is enabled
    raid? - Explains that raid and grief are enabled
    tpa? - Explains how to tpa
    claim? - Explains that there is no land claiming
    owner? - Displays who the owner is
    Where is survival? Explains how to random tp
    Is this vanilla? - Explains what type of server this is
    Is this Factions? - Explains that no, this is vanillalets eas
    Who made you? - Explains who the creator of the server is
    What are ticks? - Explains what ticks are

  2. Thank you Gibson, can we have something add to the end of tpa and tp like 'killing not allowed' to reflect the new changes?

  3. mmm I'm not sure, tpa? is to explain how to find/use it,its the players own responsibility to be informed on the server rules, but ill ask Crafty and see what he says

  4. I plan to add that, it's just going to take me a bit to re-write the tellraw

  5. Crafty can the server say something when people say "planet minecraft"?

  6. It would need some context for its reply to make sense. The issue is, most people request op through pmc in many different ways, it would have no idea how to respond.

  7. Crafty have you ever considered a command that i used on irc back in the day, !seen

  8. I think it we be cool to have fun facts.for all staff. You would type in the staff members name and you get a fun fact about that staff member.
    Nysic has bought crafty 1,000,000 pizzas.

  9. I was thinking of adding Seen, however, for privacy reasons, I didn't.

    Most of the admins currently have facts that are show with "facts?"

    adding specialized facts in the forum of "Nysic?" might become annoying when asking a staff a question or trying to get their attention.

    <someplayer> Crafty?

    <CraftyMyner> What's up?

    [Server] Did you know, Crafty has his private pilot's license!

  10. Ahhh yes that would become very annoying.

  11. Completely understand.

  12. Lol

  13. Heya Crafty, have you considered adding a !quote command like on irc? Hahaha some people say crazy funny things on chat sometimes, would be nice to have em quoted :D

  14. how would this work?

  15. Dear Crafty,

    I was waiting to talk in person, but I think that that may never happen. While I was working my new home, I died and got sent thousands of blocks away where i had my chest of stuff hidden. And so I thought that it would be cool if you could also place a waypoint so that you could easily tp back and forth. This might also be useful if you had a spawner xp farm that was far away from your home.

    Please consider,

  16. @BenjoBanjo7 Dear Crafty,

    I was waiting to talk in person, but I think that that may never happen. While I was working my new home, I died and got sent thousands of blocks away where i had my chest of stuff hidden. And so I thought that it would be cool if you could also place a waypoint so that you could easily tp back and forth. This might also be useful if you had a spawner xp farm that was far away from your home.

    Please consider,

    Ooooor just use an alt.

  17. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    So basically 2 sethomes? That would be awesome :)

    Although it is easier said than done and I am afraid that with the way the current sethome works this may be impossible.

    Although I am sure Crafty could figure something out and make it work somehow.

  18. I don't think this is a good idea, aside from all the extra trouble, it just takes away from the whole vanilla survival concept. We get enough complaints about providing one set home too.

    At what point do we stop making the game easier ?

  19. Edited 8 years ago by TheForgotten20

    im pretty sure crafty once said that the sethome system was based of ur bed, and from no command block experience on other servers I know that you can go to your bed by jumping in an end portal from the end. and/or echest everything and jump in lava

    I mean if you could have a working king size bed ill probably become bed ridden in mc

  20. @TheForgotten20 im pretty sure crafty once said that the sethome system was based of ur bed, and from no command block experience on other servers I know that you can go to your bed by jumping in an end portal from the end. and/or echest everything and jump in lava

    I mean if you could have a working king size bed ill probably become bed ridden in mc

    Like I said, with the current way the sethome works this is impossible.

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