Strange screenshots

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @Chips_The_Gamer What about THIS ? I didn't know u were part fish :P

    this is all that played in my head imagining this

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    Where da hood where da hood where da hood at?

  4. all the friends XD

  5. -image-

  6. -image-

    if you're in water and you come out just enough that your view is between the water and the surface, stuff looks cool n foggy n mysterious

  7. @Fingerbib -image-

    if you're in water and you come out just enough that your view is between the water and the surface, stuff looks cool n foggy n mysterious

    That looks cool tbh :P

  8. @CreeperLord170 -image-

    is this mod vision? lol

  9. @Cileklim is this mod vision? lol


  10. Edited 8 years ago by Th3GreenGamer


    Just 2 Spoders climbing the border (This is a bit old tho).



    Pank shep.

  11. Deleted 8 years ago by GibsonAxe
  12. Found this within rtp range.


  13. Conning an unwitting friend to recreate the titanic on his pirate ship XD-image-

  14. Edited 8 years ago by Aquafyna

    @QuietSheep Conning an unwitting friend to recreate the titanic on his pirate ship XD-image-

    I can show you the worlllddd!
    Edit: Just realized that was from Alladin.
    Latest Edit: Near, far, wherever you are - nanananna

  15. Nice save XD

  16. Edited 8 years ago by QuietSheep

    And my last one (And pride and joy) A sheep stuck in a mooshroom biome with mashing teeth. You jump inside its mouth and are swallowed into the first stomach, then you must solve puzzles to get through all four and into the small intestine which is a giant maze or orange hard clay. Upon finding the trick to exit you reach the rectum and after navigating a lava pit you are given a boat to begin the log ride. -image- (Different server XD)

  17. @QuietSheep And my last one (And pride and joy) A sheep stuck in a mooshroom biome with mashing teeth. You jump inside its mouth and are swallowed into the first stomach, then you must solve puzzles to get through all four and into the small intestine which is a giant maze or orange hard clay. Upon finding the trick to exit you reach the rectum and after navigating a lava pit you are given a boat to begin the log ride. -image- (Different server XD)

    These are all pretty good xD :P

  18. -image-

    he's been here for like 3 days... just sittin at my table.....

  19. c'mon man you gotta buy im a soda or something he's clearly just thirsty

  20. Edited 8 years ago by Fingerbib

    @jamlbon c'mon man you gotta buy im a soda or something he's clearly just thirsty


    he drink the orange crush

  21. Edited 8 years ago by ViciousKangaroo

    The drink will kill him lol ( by melting xp )

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