Riddle me this!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @NutjobBob @TheDunmerRaven Why is a raven like a writing desk?

    (can't believe I took this long to think to post this)

    They're not

  3. @Beedobi can i answer this
    even though it might not be the correct or accepted answer

    Absolutely, don't leave us hanging.

  4. A raven is like a writing desk because Poe wrote on both

    If you don't get it, he wrote his work using a writing desk and also wrote the story "The Raven"

  5. I vaguely remember reading this in a book back in school. I just remember part of it was academic or something. Ie, it was hard to answer then, probably even harder now given that no one reads old books.

  6. @Beedobi A raven is like a writing desk because Poe wrote on both

    If you don't get it, he wrote his work using a writing desk and also wrote the story "The Raven"

    Quothe the Raven...Nevermore!

  7. Here's one, it might be obvious...
    What gets shorter as it gets longer?

  8. @Beedobi A raven is like a writing desk because Poe wrote on both

    That's a great answer, and sort of right

    @Valgys I vaguely remember reading this in a book back in school. I just remember part of it was academic or something. Ie, it was hard to answer then, probably even harder now given that no one reads old books.

    You're right, this is from Alice in Wonderland (which I read last year).

    Anyone else have an answer or shall I put you all out of your misery?

  9. @BoneChi11er Here's one, it might be obvious...
    What gets shorter as it gets longer?

    Life... The longer you live the sooner you die.

  10. @_Confederacy_ Life... The longer you live the sooner you die.

    Gg. I better step up my game

  11. I guess that means I'm next...

    What tool gets sharper the more you use it?
    (Should be obvious)

  12. @_Confederacy_ I guess that means I'm next...

    What tool gets sharper the more you use it?
    (Should be obvious)

    Your mind

  13. @argonFiles Your mind

    Yes :P

  14. Anotha one.

  15. A man lives on the 50th floor of a building. When coming home from work, he uses the elevator to get to the 15th floor and then uses the stairs to climb up to the 50th floor.
    Why is this?

  16. Is it because he can't reach the buttons?

  17. That could count as an answer but it doesn't fully explain why he can't so I need another answer.

  18. Well, I'm assuming the man is short, and therefore can only reach the elevator buttons up to 15. So he gets off at 15 and walks the rest of the way.

  19. what if hes short, near sighted, and doesnt like his glasses so he can only see up to button 15 which means that he has to walk after that

  20. Uhmm yeah. It was a stupid riddle.
    The person was a midget.

  21. I remember that one XD and he doesnt use the stairs to get back on a rainy day because he has his umbrella

  22. Newer ›

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