Emprise Confederation Recruitment Application

  1. 8 years ago


    3 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Applications must be posted on this page. Look at the "birth of EMPRISE confederation" thread to see how the format is of the application.

  2. Ign:Superspacecraft
    Skill level:intermediet
    Expettise:building and fighting
    Reason:just joind this sever and needed some help getting started i also want to help others and make friends in the group
    Time spenton craftymynes per week:3 hours
    How long ive played:3 hours
    Skype name:superspacecraft

  3. Oolfa

    3 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Okay. Your application will be reviewed. And we will discuss further steps in game once you are accepted. You will be informed in game as well, if you're accepted or rejected. Thank you for applying!

  4. Oolfa

    4 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Still hiring. Join if u want a great experience

  5. can i join? i wont raid you, i promise!

  6. Oolfa

    4 Mar 2016 Suspended

    U can join, be a full time slave, but we will feed u, 64 rotten flash per 24 hours.

  7. tsu

    4 Mar 2016 Suspended

    The pvp logging confederation?

  8. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    Skill level:Insane
    Expertise: Everything really tbh
    Reason: Im cool asf.
    Time spenton craftymynes per week:168
    How long ive played:30
    Skype name: R4IscoolAsf

  9. haha tsu, was funny when asian was like "Mabzino is now on the emprise confederation kill list" then I killed him 10 mins later :D

  10. Oolfa

    5 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Sweet dude. Killing me barely geared haha gg must be them unreal skills u have obtained.

  11. 6-0

  12. i should write a "Ballad of Mabzino"

  13. Deleted 3 years ago by Mabzino
  14. Mabz is allied with Red Army lol. We'll be giving him any supplies he might need

  15. Oolfa i havent heard from you regarding my application yet.
    I wanna kill enemies, so invite me to your base.

  16. Deleted 8 years ago by Nysic
  17. tsu

    6 Mar 2016 Suspended

    haha yeah ik mabz, Oolfa can't back anything up...

  18. Deleted 3 years ago by Mabzino
  19. ^^^ Mabz has the right idea

  20. that song reminds me of call of duty World At War <3

  21. Newer ›

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