Blaze/End Rods for sale!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @Cellexya There will be a sale every Friday, buy 1 get half a stack free, buy 5 get 2 free, buy 10 and get 5 free

    Reminder that the sale is today! PM me here or in game to buy! Bulk orders placed today will retain their prices even if the order is filled tomorrow!

  3. Now accepting cobblestone as payment!

  4. @Cellexya Now accepting cobblestone as payment!

    Huehuehuhuehuehuehuehue I have a LOT of cobble :D

  5. 1 stack for a diamond???


  6. Edited 8 years ago by Pimple_300ping

    @Cellexya Now accepting cobblestone as payment!

    How much cobblestone per stack?

  7. @CodyJProductions How much cobblestone per stack?

    One block

  8. @CodyJProductions It says above in the pricing nub :P
    @iclutchHD shh you

  9. well @Zabolca is set for life with blaze rods now

  10. 3 double chests are now available!

  11. Well thanks for the End Rods yesterday :)
    They come in handy to light up my base

  12. I should probably add end rod prices as well:
    1 stack for 2 diamond/8 emeralds/2 iron block/ 4 lapis blocks/10 gold ingots/4 cobblestone stacks
    5 stacks for 8 diamonds/4 EBs/8 iron blocks/ 16 lapis blocks/40 gold ingots/18 cobblestone stacks
    10 stacks for 2 DB/68 emeralds/14 iron blocks/ 28 lapis blocks/70 gold ingots/ 32 cobblestone stacks

  13. Oops I thought this was about End Rods. God, I feel stupid now lol

  14. I sell both so it's alright XD

  15. They look nicer than Glowstone. What else do you sell?

  16. I can sell stacks of steak and leather, although I don't really have pricing on those quiet yet since I don't know if anyone would even buy those in bulk.

  17. Id buy leather.

  18. @Captain_Mitchell i have a shit ton of leather if you want it

  19. I'll sell leather for:
    1 stack for 5 gold ingots
    5 stacks 20 gold ingots
    10 stacks for 30 gold ingots

  20. Killer for free?

  21. @Cellexya I'll sell leather for:
    1 stack for 5 gold ingots
    5 stacks 20 gold ingots
    10 stacks for 30 gold ingots

    I'm looking forward to buying few stacks

  22. Newer ›

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