Mizore's Swag Shop *Closed Till After Reset*

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  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by PapaNeon

    @Grinning_Bobcat Don't you need one to collect mushroom blockd? @PapaNeon

    I don't understand what you're asking

    @Grinning_Bobcat Do you get a dragon head every time you kill it?

    You get dragon heads from end ships, they don't drop off the dragon itself.

  3. I meant, do you know if you need a silk touch axe to harvest mushroom blocks?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Grinning_Bobcat

    I'd also like to place an order for a God axe

  5. Shoutout to the Pats Superbowl rings in the first few moments of that video


  6. Bump.

  7. @MizoreShirayuki Bump.

    lol why mate why a bump

  8. @ghostassasin81 because the last reply was 3 days ago and it wasn't on the front page anymore, therefore taking away business

  9. @PapaNeon true but someone would have came across it and bumped it besides you or mizore

  10. @ghostassasin81 Possibly, but It's been three days, and if I want my business to thrive, I can't let it sit buried under everyone else's posts. It'd be bad business to wait till someone else comes along and necro's my thread after it's been buried for a week.

  11. Deleted 8 years ago by Grinning_Bobcat
  12. @Grinning_Bobcat I'd also like to place an order for a God axe

    *cough cough* Bump I guess too

  13. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    Do you guys sell tnt ? :P

  14. @Chips_The_Gamer Do you guys sell tnt ? :P

    I feel bad for you. You've been trying to buy tnt for the last month havent you lol.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    @FishW I feel bad for you. You've been trying to buy tnt for the last month havent you lol.

    I think its been a few months
    x_x I'm just asking more frequently now :P

  16. @Chips_The_Gamer I've got a little over half a stack of TNT I can sell you. It's not part of my usual rotation of goods mind you, so I doubt i'll be a good source for it. Get a hold of me or @PapaNeon in game to discuss pricing.

    Also, Have a meme: -image-

  17. Blesian

    14 Oct 2016 Suspended

    @MizoreShirayuki @Chips_The_Gamer I've got a little over half a stack of TNT I can sell you. It's not part of my usual rotation of goods mind you, so I doubt i'll be a good source for it. Get a hold of me or @PapaNeon in game to discuss pricing.

    Also, Have a meme: -image-

    are u firing shots at me

  18. Blesian

    14 Oct 2016 Suspended

    also i'll pay triple whatever chips the kid will pay

  19. @MizoreShirayuki @Chips_The_Gamer I've got a little over half a stack of TNT I can sell you. It's not part of my usual rotation of goods mind you, so I doubt i'll be a good source for it. Get a hold of me or @PapaNeon in game to discuss pricing.

    Also, Have a meme: -image-

    Ah thats alright. Nice meme btw xD

  20. @Chips_The_Gamer Lol, Thanks.

    @deathadder lolwut. How tho?

  21. Ordering another set of God armor. Payment will be ready shortly

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