Caught Crafty

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by iclutchHD


    got em

  3. It's down to me and baron, we all know who is going to win this.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    @R4iscool1 It's down to me and baron, we all know who is going to win this.


  5. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    @Cileklim Azrad?

    He was removed from the running since he is extremely busy Irl and thus never on.
    If you want to make it harder on yourself and try catch him however, by all means do so.

  6. -image-

    Caught the newly staffed @cepheid!

  7. @MasaruCyri -image-

    Caught the newly staffed @cepheid!

    no way @cepheid now staff damn ive missed so much stuff!!

  8. I left a perfectly good mineshaft to meet you there too, well played :P

  9. Oh, grats Ceph!

  10. yet another new staff member falls to Masa's trickery

  11. Still alive, still alive ~

  12. @BaronBattleBread Still alive, still alive ~

    Stay in hiding m8. Dodge and weave. Dodhe and weave...

    *single tear falls for all those staff memebers that had fallen victim to a screenshot on the passes*

  13. @PapaNeon yet another new staff member falls to Masa's trickery

    Learning from your mistake, huh young @PapaNeon ?

  14. @BaronBattleBread Still alive, still alive ~

    I'm gonna beat ya Baron give up ;P

  15. @jamlbon you better start brewing those invis pots!

  16. or I could just never come to spawn

    then again @FishW might get me .... eh I'll just block his home XD

  17. @jamlbon lock yourself in an obby room with chests full o lifetime supplies of diamonds, food and building materials, onlly to come out when the fish is away.

  18. @cepheid I have about a million screenshots with you, your hiding days wernt going to last long

  19. Edited 7 years ago by TheForgotten20

    is it just me or can one make a fortune by selling invis pots to new helpers XD

  20. Haha

  21. @adamblakely2 @cepheid I have about a million screenshots with you, your hiding days wernt going to last long

    How can a towel take screenshots? :o

  22. Newer ›

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