Questions for 1.9

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by pand1024

    There's been a lot of talk recently about changes to CraftyMynes for the release of 1.9. While I have lot's of my own opinions on what should be done, what I most want to have is clear timely information before the change about what's going to happen.

    Below I'm going to list what information that I would like to see from most important to least important.

    • How much notice will there be for the switch to 1.9? (and where will it be announced?)
    • Is there a way for interested players to get more involved in planning for 1.9?
    • Will there be more than 1 dragon egg obtainable in the world?
    • Will there be access to an end portal from spawn like there is today?
    • Will there be community input on villager trades for the new server? (and where?)
    • What villager trades will be available?
    • Will there be ranks (vip, vip+, etc)?
    • Will there be periodic resets (i.e reset under 1k, reset end, etc.)
    • How large will the world be?
    • How long can we expect before another reset or major change?

    It would be great if others can add their questions they most want to know about!

  2. How much notice will there be for the switch to 1.9? (and where will it be announced?)

    This question is impossible to answer in a meaningful way.

    1.9 has not be released yet. Even if Mojang announces a release day, there is no way to be sure the jar will be actually released on that day. This makes detailed advanced notice/detailed plans difficult. I will say that once Crafty has the jar in hand things will happen quickly. But watch the forums for announcements.

    Is there a way for interested players to get more involved in planning for 1.9?

    make a thread

    Will there be more than 1 dragon egg obtainable in the world?

    No idea.

    Will there be access to an end portal from spawn like there is today?


    Will there be community input on villager trades for the new server? (and where?)

    make a thread

    What villager trades will be available?

    No idea.

    Will there be ranks (vip, vip+, etc)?


    Will there be periodic resets (i.e reset under 1k, reset end, etc.)

    unknown, but no current plans for that

    How large will the world be?

    tentatively +/- 100,000

    How long can we expect before another reset or major change?

    no current plans for that

  3. I am shocked at how little conversation we are having about 1.9.

  4. I think that most players want to know what is going to happen and whether or not to continue their builds. Until I know when Mojang is releasing 1.9, I can't say anything. If the game is too buggy when they release, I don't want to risk corrupting or breaking our map.

  5. We have many reasons to be quiet, the one mainly being there's no saying when Mojang will officially release 1.9, all we can do is speculate, and who knows how many things they'll implement before the official announcement of its coming. They could remove or add things that'll could potentially break the way our current system is.

    All we really have to do is wait.

  6. What I most fear is that the first official news we will have will be "New 1.9 Server is up (posted 10 hrs ago)" You can't predict when 1.9 will be released, but you can certainly give a guarentee for how much warning players will get. It also would be nice if you would assure player that they will have time to give input. Here is a draft of what I would like to see in an official statement:

    Dear CraftyMynesCommunity,

    A lot of you have been asking questions about whether CraftyMynes will make a 1.9 Server. Here is what we can tell you so far: When/If we make major changes for 1.9 we will announce them on this forum at least 5 days beforehand. Also, if any players wish to be involved in planning for 1.9 you can join the 1.9 planning group here (link).


    I would love to contribute to making 1.9 CraftyMynes awesome, but I want to do it in a productive way that will actually help and not cause more work for staff. For instance I could post suggestions and ideas for villager trades, but I've received no indication that this is wanted/helpful.

    Please don't mistake my questions for impatience. Take all the time you need to make a high quality server.

    Peter (Pand1024)

  7. I can guarantee that we will give at least a week of notice before we do anything. I will make a 1.9 updates thread that anyone can post on here:

  8. This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks. My problem with "waiting" is in every aspects of life i equate waiting with killing time. Eg reading a magazine in a dentist office, watching tv while I wait for people to come home, going to the movies between kids soccer games. Its never productive.

    And thats the rub. How do i wait for 1.9, while playing 1.8 at craftymynes, and have it be fun and fulfilling ?

    To echo pand a bit "Please don't mistake my questions for impatience" at least with you Crafty, and or your server & staff. Yes at first I felt like you were keeping from us what your plans were. I understand why. But on top of that I realize that you have to deal with the same "unknowns" as we do. And im sure your doing the best you can, and i can appreciate that the stakes are higher for you.

  9. Precisely, I come from a server where the admins announced a reset then 1.8 took its sweet time to release, during that time, they had no players, no one wanted to play on a server that they knew was going to disappear. To this day I still wish I could at least go back to that world and look at my base. Right now 1.9 is a mess, a quote from a fellow server owner: "If any of you are thinking of updating to 1.9 before final release, don't do it. So many issues, with lag, duping, etc." Also, with other servers using my panel, I get a good sample of how 1.9 runs vers 1.8, and all I see is 1.9 is full of issues. For these reasons I'm not going to do anything until I see a release that runs even half as good as 1.8.

  10. Edited 9 years ago by ALPHAVILLE_ADMIN

    Thanks for that Crafty. If anyone thinks you can just open a 1.8 server world in 1.9 and just go on playing as if merging onto a highway you would be in for a shock. Most casual players never experience world corruption, or have any idea how wrong a game of minecraft can go. I trust you.

    Oh, and I found this to kill the time while we wait.

    SHOCKING interview with Mojang. Mod API?

    FYI JSYK. This video was made for parody purposes

  11. Yes, so true.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by ALPHAVILLE_ADMIN

    Something else important. I imagined after waiting more than a year, " 2015 (was) the first year where a major update to Minecraft (wasnt) released" That 1.9 would be released almost imediatly in 2016.

    Dumb ass Dinnerbone had stated in October "We are aiming to get Minecraft 1.9 feature complete at end of this month" So by my maths they are 3 months behind schedule.

    Then jack ass Jeb says, "Minecraft 1.9 will not be released this year. We want to fix more bugs before release, and keep the game stable over the holidays"

    SOOooo... As far as i can tell, it could be 3 days, or 3 months before we see a 1.9 release. Why do i say that? You may ask.... Well the 2ND snapshot of 2016 was released today. 16w03a[1] is the fiftieth snapshot released for 1.9.


  13. I almost thought they were trying to be funny and say it would not be released this year, but rather released on new years, but if you look at the bug page, theres a graph of bugs discovered vs bugs fixed, and its separating, that means they are marking stuff as done so they can release the game. I know this because I had a bug report that hadn't been touched for 289 days, 17 hours and 48 minutes. By my calculations it's going to happen soon and it's going to be a shit show, just like that past releases.

  14. Yea, im remembering what a bug fest 1.7 & 1.8 were on release. It seems to my memory 1.6.4 ran so good for so long. Even though the calender says 1.8 is the longest running version. To be honest... We deserve this... Mincraft is the paramount example of a product produced and released by comity.

  15. if you're going to implement 1.9 make it a seperate server

    the whole update is stupid

  16. Nothing has been decided for 1.9 crafty won't make any decisions about what's happening until the jar file is released and in his possession. Then it's subject to stability and everything else that comes with an update. Only time will tell what happens.

  17. RE: Jeb & Dinnerbone comments: I have no idea what Mojang's release terminology is but Feature Complete for me means the code has been written but only used in a relatively few vertical test cases and there is an awful lot system expression to discover and debugging to do to get it ready for First Customer Ship. Since the take over I bet the developers have been pounded on for the features that Microsoft management saw to justify the $2b price tag and that will all need hardening up before release. Given the anticipation in the market place the pressure that will be building up internally, short cuts will be taken and stability will be an issue to start with. Crafty is wise to treat with caution.

  18. Yes, I had first hand proof of this when they threw out my bug report after 289d 17h 46m. They have likely signed a contract saying that they can not release with more the "X" amount of unresolved bugs, so they send someone to speed through the old one and if they are not important enough or if they have not been confirmed by the bug reporter that it exists in the current version, they throw it out with "Marked as: Resolved".

    This happened to me, they didn't touch it for many months so I stopped updating it to say it was still in the current version. When they updated to 1.8.9, they only added some stuff for realms, but since I didn't say it was in 1.8.9, they marked it as it no longer was an issue and threw it out. However I know for sure that it is still in the current release.

  19. Bumped and stickied so people wont make new threads.

  20. Well, I'm excited.

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