1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Retrochewy

    It just kicked me off the server with a message that said "Server Closed"
    Yes! First post to be made about this

  2. The server is back up

  3. There goes the server ^ -^/

  4. I thought it was going to be off for a long time xD wops

  5. No, just a few hours according to the owner.

  6. Two

  7. Is 1.11 server up yet?

  8. Well, it could be two or it could be three. Time will only tell.

  9. The server goes offline and resets in 11 hours and 5 minutes

    In 13 hours and 5 minutes it will be online for our enjoyment.

  10. @Cileklim Is 1.11 server up yet?

    Yes. I'm on it right now :D

  11. So reset is done?

  12. Edited 8 years ago by T0rsion

    No, read what I just said :P

  13. "The server goes offline and resets in 11 hours and 5 minutes

    In 13 hours and 5 minutes it will be online for our enjoyment."
    That's what @_Confederacy_ said.

  14. Don't worry, I'm capable of reading! I just got confused a little bit

  15. I get confused all the time.

  16. Im confused is the new seed up now?

  17. No. It's still the old seed.

  18. Voted best thread 2016

  19. Locking this thread since its just causing confusion, server has not reset and will not till the above listed times.

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