Andureil's Item Shop

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Andureil

    The list of items is as it follows:

    • Diamond Horse Armor (x7) = 4 diamonds each
    • Iron Horse Armor (x14) = 2 diamonds each
    • Gold Horse Armor = 1 diamond each
    • Saddle (x36) = 1 diamond each
    • Name Tag (x52) = 1 diamond each
    • Golden Apple (x23) = 1 db each
    • Enchanted Golden Apple (x2) = 9 db each
    • Gold Ingot (x69) = 5 diamonds for the whole thing
    • Totem Of Undying = 5 db each
    • Looting III Enchanted Book (x2) = 5 diamonds each
    • Power V Enchanted Book = 4 diamonds
    • Curse Of Binding Enchanted Book (x2) = 5 diamonds each
    • Fortune III Enchanted Book = 6 diamonds
    • Silk Touch Enchanted Book (x4) = 6 diamonds each
    • Mending Enchanted Book = 6 diamonds
    • Aqua Affinity Enchanted Book = 2 diamond
    • Protection III Enchanted Book = 3 diamond
    • Knockback II Enchanted Book = 5 emeralds
    • Depth Strider II Enchanted Book = 2 diamonds
    • Depth Strider III Enchanted Book = 5 diamonds

    I might not update the prices or the stock frequently, so ask in-game for stock and/or prices.

  2. Might want to raise some of these prices, otherwise I (and pretty much anyone else) would instantly buy all your totems of undying, gold, and enchanted golden apples

  3. @cepheid Might want to raise some of these prices, otherwise I (and pretty much anyone else) would instantly buy all your totems of undying, gold, and enchanted golden apples

    Eh, probably. Thanks for the heads up ceph!

  4. I'll buy the enchanted golden apples

  5. I do recommend raising book prices as well, as much as people say my prices are too high, I still sell plenty books. You could be making more.

  6. @Andureil Message ArtemisGoddessX in game I will buy all your totems and Enchanted golden apples

  7. Edited 8 years ago by Retrochewy

    Ill buy all your totems of undying, gold, and enchanted golden apples also your fort3 and mending books

  8. I would like to purchase 1 silk touch and 4 prot3 books :)

  9. I'd like the tots of undying

  10. Omgsh you're a savior I'll buy 4 mending books
    (my good armor is almost near it's end)

  11. Edited 8 years ago by Andureil

    I won't be trading anything until I update the prices a bit, sorreh :^(
    Prices updated!

  12. I'll still take all the totems at that price :P

  13. Edited 8 years ago by Andureil

    @cepheid I'll still take all the totems at that price :P

    Sure thing! They'll be yours if no one offers more :D

  14. Edited 8 years ago by OmegaSniper4eva

    Andureil I will still be willing to buy all your totems and Enchanted Golden Apples please find ArtemisGoddessX in game. When will you be on

  15. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    I'd still like the 4 mending books if that's all right with you :pp

  16. @Pimpcy I'd still like the 4 mending books if that's all right with you :pp

    Sure thing, PM me when you're online

  17. Bump! Also prices and stock updated

  18. I would like to buy your totems again

  19. is this shop still running?

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