New Vote Reward System!

  1. 8 years ago

    To help increase votes and reward those players who dedicate themselves to voting every day, we have implemented a new vote system with bonus rewards. Voting on all 4 links will give you an extra CraftyCredit as well as extra XP and Food. Voting at least once per day, 25 days in a row will grant you a random Loot Crate.

    Note: You can't stack loot crates, you must claim it before you can claim another.

    - Crafty

  2. :D

  3. ;)

  4. :)

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    Really cool incentive! Very nice for swag for the regular player base. Thank you! But of course I always enjoy understanding the details surrounding this new reward. I apologize in advance.

    My questions:

    @CraftyMyner Note: You can't stack loot crates, you must claim it before you can claim another.

    - Crafty

    Does this mean you must claim the crate before the votecounter starts for the next one? Ie: 100 votes unlocks the crate, then needs to be claimed before counter resets?

    2) Will the vote loot crate differ from the CraftyCrate?

    3) Is the CraftyCredit the vote score? Or a new currency?

    4) So if you miss a day in a 25 day period for voting, your counter goes to zero again and you have to vote for another consecutive 25 days before unlocking the crate?

    5) What about after the 25 days: when the reward is unlocked, but before you claim your crate? Does the reward latch until the player claims it? Example: voting for 27 days straight but then unable to vote or log in to claim the crate for the next 7 days.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    @CraftyMyner CraftyCredit


    @CraftyMyner CraftyCredit


    @CraftyMyner CraftyCredit


    The return of Crafty Coins???

  7. @_Haxington_ CraftyCredits are the votes u can spend on warps, elytra and such not the coins

  8. @GibsonAxe @_Haxington_ CraftyCredits are the votes u can spend on warps, elytra and such not the coins


  9. @Valgys

    1) Does this mean you must claim the crate before the votecounter starts for the next one? Ie: 100 votes unlocks the crate, then needs to be claimed before counter resets?

    2) Will the vote loot crate differ from the CraftyCrate?

    3) Is the CraftyCredit the vote score? Or a new currency?

    4) So if you miss a day in a 25 day period for voting, your counter goes to zero again and you have to vote for another consecutive 25 days before unlocking the crate?

    5) What about after the 25 days: when the reward is unlocked, but before you claim your crate? Does the reward latch until the player claims it? Example: voting for 27 days straight but then unable to vote or log in to claim the crate for the next 7 days.

    1. You must claim the crate before you are issues another crate.

    2. They are different.

    4. Votes were renamed to CraftyCredit other then that, there is no difference.

    5. Once you vote 25 days in a row, you are issued a crate that will never expire, that being said, if you vote another 25 days in a row without claiming your crate, you will only have 1 crate.

    - Crafty

  10. Why not make them stackable?

  11. @_Haxington_ Why not make them stackable?

    I'm sure it has to do with the Mechanics behind it.

  12. Lit

  13. Awesome!

  14. @_Haxington_ Why not make them stackable?

    It works the same way as the CraftyCrates, you can only get one per month, also, I make the panel choose the random crate to give, so storing many random numbers is just not worth it. Its for the active players, not the ones that just want to collect a bunch of crates.

  15. The random crate is not generated at the time of claim, its generated at the time of reward. Makes it simpler cause i can just call RandomInt rather then making a spread players command or some sort of hopper dropper random number generator.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    @CraftyMyner It works the same way as the CraftyCrates, you can only get one per month, also, I make the panel choose the random crate to give, so storing many random numbers is just not worth it. Its for the active players, not the ones that just want to collect a bunch of crates.


    Any info on what may be found in said crates?

  17. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    Gotta start voting offline!

    Where can I find the links tho?

  18. They are all in the FAQ

  19. @_Haxington_ Cool

    Any info on what may be found in said crates?

    You will have to vote to find out ;)

  20. @CraftyMyner You will have to vote to find out ;)

    Lol ok

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