What makes you more happy?

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by iDogeTwinkie

    Hey guys, I want to start this topic by asking everyone here(possibly adults) what makes you more happy?

    Is it money & materialistic things or family, friends and a healthy relationship?

    I ask this because I'm the type of a guy who doesn't care about money & materialistic things.
    Money comes and goes, materialistic things come and go.

    Family, real friends and healthy relationship don't.

    I'll tell you a short story. I met a girl - I knew her from way back when I was a security guard in Croatia.
    She told me how one of her friends moved to Germany and found a great job and has a girlfriend and stuff.

    Once he came back to Croatia and a lot of his "friends" bombarded him with messages.
    Those friends used him a lot.
    A guy asked him to borrow him a 100 euros to buy himself some shoes.
    He made a video of him burning a 100 euro bill.

    Which obviously means "Go fuck yourself and your 100 euros.". Then she told me that she never cared about money because money can't buy happiness and love. It can buy gold-diggers and friends who are with you because of your wealth. She was in a 5-year relationship with a guy who lived on her back. What I mean by this is that he was a lazyass and she worked her ass off to have money. She was buying him everything. I honestly bow down to that girl for saying that.

    Of course, you can't live without money either but my point is: Family & friends are more important than money & materialistic things. I love cars, I love my expensive laptop and my Bang & Olufsen headset.

    But I love my friends and family more. :)

    So give me your answer. Let's make this kind of an interesting topic to talk about. :)

    P.S. I like the background, it really suits the forums. :)

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HaloNest

    money and materialistic things are temporary happyness, I can't really say the family for reason I don't feel like sharing but for me an healthy relationship is true happyness , just like basketball and learning other languages

  3. You've made a conversation with this exact same wording before... Why post it again

  4. I don't remember that.

  5. Things that make me happy: Setting a goal for myself. then achieving that goal. (Make this much money, get these grades, lift this much etc)

  6. ^

  7. @HaloNest money and materialistic things are temporary happyness, I can't really say the family for reason I don't feel like sharing but for me an healthy relationship is true happyness , just like basketball and learning other languages

    Basketball is baller :D

  8. @gilbertboys Things that make me happy: Setting a goal for myself. then achieving that goal. (Make this much money, get these grades, lift this much etc)

    I'm glad you have goals set up to achieve.
    I wish you best of luck in achieving your goals.

  9. tbh living makes me happy enough, if I need to explain myself I will, otherwise I'd like to leave it at that ^_^

  10. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    Things to do when your life has gone to crap/ you want a change in life:

    • Join the French foreign legion
    • Disappear into India
    • Right a book about your thoughts opinions and experience.
  11. @GrinningBobcat tbh living makes me happy enough, if I need to explain myself I will, otherwise I'd like to leave it at that ^_^

    explain bruv

  12. (° ʖ_ °)

  13. The family-like bond in marching band is what makes me happy. I'm always happy to play lit af music with my closest friends, it gives me a more positive view on life :D

  14. @Rybye explain bruv


    Big paragraphs that can be skipped, this will pretty much be about what fuel me to wake up in the morning

    Let me put it like this. the earth is the biggest thing we'll ever really have a comprehensible grasp of that makes us understand it's big. Most of us most likely will never live to witness it's grandness. But as we hear in our science classes we actually live in a solar system with celestial sibling planets like our biggest brother being Jupiter. Jupiter is MASSIVE in comparison to Earth, it's so SMALL, so TINY. Yet its so enormous to us....
    so then... Imagine how Incomprehensibly


    our brother Jupiter IS
    doesn't stop there either...
    Jupiter is dwarfed by the sun. Our shinning grandmother in the sky, the one TRUE light of all our lives, gleaming it's light unto our mother earth so we can LIVE
    but the universe just keeps getting big, and bigger, and bigger from then on out.

    We are just the tiny descendants of our fallen star forefathers... living incarnations of the glorious elemental guts that were forge within their core's hearts and living upon a tiny speck of dust drifting on top the cosmic pulls of gravity, living within the gigantic sea of stars that is inscrutable large.

    that the astounding fact that the atom's that comprise life on earth... that make up the human body are traceable to the crucibles that cooked light elements into heavy elements in the core hearts of the stars under extreme temperature's and pressures. These stars, the massive one, went unstable in their later years and collapsed, exploding and scattering... their enriched guts across the galaxy....

    Guts made of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen.... and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself... these ingredients become part of gas clouds that condense, collapse, forming the next generations of solar systems. stars with planets, orbiting planets, and those planets. And those planets now have the ingredients for life itself.

    When I look up at the night sky and think yes we are apart of this universe, we are in this universe. But... perhaps more important than both of those facts... is that the universe is in us....

    when I reflect on that fact, many people feel small because the universe is big but I feel big... because my atoms came from those stars. It's a level of connectivity, really it's what you want it life you want to feel connected. You want feel relevant. You want to feel like your... A participate. In the going-on's of activities and events around you.

    That's exactly what we are. Just by being..... Alive...

    It just fills me all with awe, this gift, of being alive. which is also why i can be so callous and hardhearted. people don't realize this gift, the take it for granted, regret it, want to give it back....

    I feel hurt when I see this, I feel the person's hurt and my own, because I know something can be done but no one seems to care enough. sometimes I give up and becoming uncaring but when I do I feel miserable. I ask myself "why bother? if it will never amount to make a significant difference" but then i remind myself never to fall in that path. Hopelessness solves nothing. I've got hope for humanity. no matter what obstacles are in the way.

    yeah... this is basically what runs through my mind every-time my mind login into the game called life and I wake up. ^_^ hope people share my same thoughts

  15. dude

    this is minecraft

    there is no science

  16. Yo, what make me happy most is just hanging out with my friends (IRL and IN GAME friends :P ) , listening to my mixtape :>, playing video games, etc.

  17. @GrinningBobcat


    Big paragraphs that can be skipped, this will pretty much be about what fuel me to wake up in the morning

    Let me put it like this. the earth is the biggest thing we'll ever really have a comprehensible grasp of that makes us understand it's big. Most of us most likely will never live to witness it's grandness. But as we hear in our science classes we actually live in a solar system with celestial sibling planets like our biggest brother being Jupiter. Jupiter is MASSIVE in comparison to Earth, it's so SMALL, so TINY. Yet its so enormous to us....
    so then... Imagine how Incomprehensibly


    our brother Jupiter IS
    doesn't stop there either...
    Jupiter is dwarfed by the sun. Our shinning grandmother in the sky, the one TRUE light of all our lives, gleaming it's light unto our mother earth so we can LIVE
    but the universe just keeps getting big, and bigger, and bigger from then on out.

    We are just the tiny descendants of our fallen star forefathers... living incarnations of the glorious elemental guts that were forge within their core's hearts and living upon a tiny speck of dust drifting on top the cosmic pulls of gravity, living within the gigantic sea of stars that is inscrutable large.

    that the astounding fact that the atom's that comprise life on earth... that make up the human body are traceable to the crucibles that cooked light elements into heavy elements in the core hearts of the stars under extreme temperature's and pressures. These stars, the massive one, went unstable in their later years and collapsed, exploding and scattering... their enriched guts across the galaxy....

    Guts made of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen.... and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself... these ingredients become part of gas clouds that condense, collapse, forming the next generations of solar systems. stars with planets, orbiting planets, and those planets. And those planets now have the ingredients for life itself.

    When I look up at the night sky and think yes we are apart of this universe, we are in this universe. But... perhaps more important than both of those facts... is that the universe is in us....

    when I reflect on that fact, many people feel small because the universe is big but I feel big... because my atoms came from those stars. It's a level of connectivity, really it's what you want it life you want to feel connected. You want feel relevant. You want to feel like your... A participate. In the going-on's of activities and events around you.

    That's exactly what we are. Just by being..... Alive...

    It just fills me all with awe, this gift, of being alive. which is also why i can be so callous and hardhearted. people don't realize this gift, the take it for granted, regret it, want to give it back....

    I feel hurt when I see this, I feel the person's hurt and my own, because I know something can be done but no one seems to care enough. sometimes I give up and becoming uncaring but when I do I feel miserable. I ask myself "why bother? if it will never amount to make a significant difference" but then i remind myself never to fall in that path. Hopelessness solves nothing. I've got hope for humanity. no matter what obstacles are in the way.

    yeah... this is basically what runs through my mind every-time my mind login into the game called life and I wake up. ^_^ hope people share my same thoughts

    So deep...

  18. While I have had some "unhealthy" relationships. friends and family are always there to lift my spirits, that and building things irl. Hell, I probably would have given up if it wasn't for my family supporting me and my decisions, for better or for worse. Though it is also feels nice to have some cash in the bank. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't put money over family and friends, but being broke and homeless can be a special kind of hell, and something you wouldn't want to experience.

  19. i read the first part (sorry, i don't have time for the whole story) and well, i'm just 13 so i don't really need to worry about all the money and stuff, so, for me family and friends are what makes me more happy =)

  20. @BoneChi11er While I have had some "unhealthy" relationships. friends and family are always there to lift my spirits, that and building things irl. Hell, I probably would have given up if it wasn't for my family supporting me and my decisions, for better or for worse. Though it is also feels nice to have some cash in the bank. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't put money over family and friends, but being broke and homeless can be a special kind of hell, and something you wouldn't want to experience.

    I've had an unhealthy relationship too. That's why I'm happy it ended.

    When it comes to money, honestly, I'm doing Forex trading because I can do it from home.
    It's very risky but very lucrative business to be into. I have a mentor and he wants to help me as much as he can. Money is just something that person needs to live a daily life. Buying food and drinks and other stuff.

    I definitely wouldn't want to experience being homeless. I saw a lot of homeless people in my lifetime and I always helped them with money not caring on what they'll spend it on because I knew I did a right thing. :)

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