Name and Skin

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Derndeff is French for "waffle" and I liked the way it sounded.
    My skin is a near replica of the skin Notch used for himself in the early alpha stages of Minecraft.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    I came up with my name one day while I was creating a new Pokemon Showdown account. People always used to call Hax whenever I sweeped their team with one of my troll teams. So I wanted a name that included the word Hax, but Hax was too generic. Then my mind wondered to my old middle school where there was a teacher called Warrington... Then I thought... Hmmm... Warrington is a cool name, it sounds like war but they added ington at the end. Then I had an enlightenment! I thought... What if I add the word Hax to ington! And thus Haxington was born. Some say Haxington was the first game of war player ever, born from fir... Ok jk

    And that was my online name ever since.

    Now... About my skin.

    My skin has undergone drastic changes throughout the course of history. It started out simple, it was just a guy (Supposedly myself) Wearing blue jeans, black shoes, gray headphones with neon green lights and a black shirt with a neon green Haxington logo (From my youtube channel) I also added two big wrist bands on my arms to balance out the colours. I had this variation of my skin for a long time and occasionally even changed the colors of it depending on the occasion. Then as time passed, there came the need for a new skin, something fresh. So I added camoflauge pants to my skin, a belt, boots, and I also added a ninja style thing that covered my previously nonexisting mouth. Then not too long after that, I added shoulder armor, and then a mask. The mask was inspired from a previous failed attempt at designing a unique mask. (This time it succeded). For a while I kept this skin but once I got the taste of innovation... I was never satisfied with what I had. I kept on thinking of skin design ideas until one day... My friend at school suggested making it Star Wars themed. I then got rid of the camoflauge trousers and instead went for an all black design. I then added leg armor to the trousers and added green highlights to match the helmet and Haxington logo. I also changed the sleeves to cover the whole arm and added gloves that matched the colour of the shoulder pads. My skin had a transformation from normal clothing to space age style techno armor with green highlights. For a while this was my new look, and I liked it. But as even more time passed, it was yet again time for change. I was not completely satisfied with my skin because it seemed to lack some sort of finishing touch... Then it struck me! There were some blank spaces with no armor that looked kind of boring. So I then added a spinal cord support exoskeleton frame on the back of my skin that was the same colour as the rest of the armor and had neon green highlights. Then I changed my boots and gave them a more three dimensional look by adding skin layers. And finally, I changed the iconic look of my hands and made the neon green highlights thinner by one pixel and added robotic claws coming out of the gloves. I also made my hair a bit longer because it was longer in real life too... My skin was complete. It was perfection. And this is where the story of the Haxington skin ends. What modifications will this skin go through in the future? Stay tuned to find out!
    To Be Continued...

  4. Reviving thread because I really liked it and hope it can be pinned.

  5. @gilbertboys Reviving thread because I really liked it and hope it can be pinned.

    Careful, it might get locked for necroposting :P .

  6. Nah it was a couple of days ago no worries

  7. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    Someone has yet to beat my name and skin story length wise lol

  8. There is an older thread about the story behind our names and skins. I think some of those were pretty long.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by sirchristopher10

    I when I was really young my username for was sirChristopher for other video games. But thought I would add a medival looking skin but after I made it it looked a little Greek and I kept it xD

    Rip my grammar

  10. @Dennari43 There is an older thread about the story behind our names and skins. I think some of those were pretty long.

    Do you par chance mean this one ;P

  11. Haha it turns out I already posted on that thread, although I did not go into much detail lol.
    My record still stands :P

  12. grats hax, you spam forums :^)

    I made my name because I like the Spider-Man comics

  13. @Dennari43 There is an older thread about the story behind our names and skins. I think some of those were pretty long.

    Ye, but no way using it cause we are all awavare of the fact that necro-posting is the worst of all crimes!

  14. @Sofatroll it's really not, it's when people necro post threads for no reason what so ever staff don't seem to like it because it always goes down hill after

  15. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    @Sofatroll Ye, but no way using it cause we are all awavare of the fact that necro-posting is the worst of all crimes!

    That's not a fair assertion, the worst of all crimes is hacking or damaging the server hence the perma ban for offense.
    The punishment for necro posting being a light warning and maybe a lock is very light in comparison reflecting the lack of severity, we don't like it however since it's spammy and 99% of the time does not actually add to the topic or just seeks to cause an argument.
    The only people making a big deal out of it are those complaining.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    My IGN "Mayorga" how I came up with it? Simple, It's my last name IRL :P

    And my skin, I found it on NameMC and thought it looked noice so now I'm using it :P

  17. Name: NO I DIDN'T COPY A YOUTUBER SHUT UP PLEASE. (seriously tho I actually didn't and if you don't believe me piss off lel :) )
    Skin: I just got a pre-made skin and drew over it, making it with the whole Chilled, Chaos theme.

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