The Legend of the Banjo

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by BenjoBanjo7

    Once upon a time in a beautiful place called Crafty Mynes there was a player. His name was Benjo.

    Benjo thought he was very cool and his name was BenjoBanjoIsCool. He worked and worked in the mines finally getting enough resources to make a modest home, but then he met Savi. She was fighting a witch just outside of Spawn Town and he lent a hand. Then they found an island through the magic of the Myner himself and settled down to make a base.

    But the next day he said goodby, and she never came back. He waited and waited, but to no end. Did he weep? No! He kept the island running. He automated melons and cacti and chicken. He finished their house. Everything was good.

    Benjo was tired of mining. He farmed and traded for iron. He tricked and killed others. He was killed too, but revived seconds later at his house.

    One day someone asked to come to his house and he accidentally said yes. That was the end of that base.

    He went from base to base. Getting raided and griefed each time. He wasn't feeling so cool. His name became BenjoBanjo7.

    He started meddling in dark magic, it allowed him to do thing others couldn't. Flying, speed, walking on water! But he mustn't let anyone know...

    One day he got too bold with his new powers and went to the community challenge in Spawn Town, a test of agility.

    He looked around. No one was watching! He concentrated and he flew up. up. up!

    But it did not go unnoticed.

    The ever watchful eye of @Venetorem was on him. And in the name of the great Myner he banished Benjo to the spirit world forever!

    Legend tells he will return, powerless and insignificant to toil once more in the Mynes.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    You know people that hack dont ever come back

  3. @gilbertboys Fool you are not coming back, get off the forums.

    haha no

  4. @gilbertboys Fool you are not coming back, get off the forums.

    hey pot how's kettle

  5. @gilbertboys Fool you are not coming back, get off the forums.

    yea just get off you not coming back cheater

  6. @HaloNest yea just get off you not coming back cheater

    " "

  7. these are harsh, but true. I dont believe any hacker has ever gotten a ban appeal through. sorry dude, it makes a cool story tho.

  8. @LeoSushi these are harsh, but true. I dont believe any hacker has ever gotten a ban appeal through. sorry dude, it makes a cool story tho.

    Thanks! I think I could have given more detail.
    And I am not giving up!

  9. you dont seem like a bad person (based on nothing but your story), but the staff are ruthless about not letting hackers on the server

  10. You will not be pardoned :)

  11. @LeoSushi these are harsh, but true. I dont believe any hacker has ever gotten a ban appeal through. sorry dude, it makes a cool story tho.

    Blackfish did

  12. @Rybye He was pardoned due to, in Crafty's own words:

    Due to the unique circumstances and the complexity of this type of hack, I have granted your wish for an appeal in hopes that if you were hacking, you would learn a lesson, and if you weren't, we could welcome back a valued player to our server.

    Meaning his case wasn't as simple as Banjo's. Banjo will never be unbanned on that account period.

  13. We don't unban known hackers period.
    Blackfish was pardoned due to the fact it was very hard to prove that he hacked, the evidence was not conclusive enough to make a truly sound judgement and the negatives of letting a good player and potentially innocent player go was overuled by the very small risk of letting them in.

  14. @Nysic You will not be pardoned :)

    :) ok

  15. Love how Fishy is like the example whenever it comes to being pardoned

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    *cough cough* Ham_Radio *cough*

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