Protecting Your Base

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    So recently I've logged on to the server and have found signs saying the following: "SlimePlayer423 was here, I didn't take anything, but its a nice base, greetings to whoever finds this." I checked all my chests and I'm pretty sure he didn't take anything. I saw my crops were gone, but thankfully he was kind enough to replant them.
    So my point is, how do you protect your base? Making a hidden base is too late for me now, I'm gonna go with a fortress, but now that I think of it, that would be very visible. I have found tons of artificial things all around my base, in every direction, and whenever I find a stronghold, its already been looted. There is this desert temple, that I can see right from my base, and it has been looted by someone else, that I just can't stand having there. I also found another one, and I was getting super hyped to go in and explore it, but nope. It was already looted.
    I may have one idea, for the moderators and admins, maybe make it so that no one can random tp to anywhere like 1k or something radius of any sethome? 1k doesn't sound like a lot, if they want to find bases, then they'll just have to do a little exploring. Its just, I find it a little annoying for random tpers to just find a base with no effort, don't you?
    Anyways, tell me your suggestions down below.

  2. Build out further than the random tp.

  3. If we did as you suggested there would be no where to tp given the amount of people within random tp.

    What you can do is travel far out say 60k blocks by using nether roof travel too get there, you can be pretty safe then if you destroy the portals.

  4. What if we increased the random tp range to cover the whole world? This would make it relatively safe to make a base wherever you randomly tp.

  5. Haxington, it would make everything less safe.

  6. @_Haxington_ What if we increased the random tp range to cover the whole world? This would make it relatively safe to make a base wherever you randomly tp.

    Safer to make the base, less safe to keep it.

  7. or you could go with the fortress idea, build a huge layered build of obsidian and lava. basically a faction base

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    1. The best way to hide is to use the full size of the map. Without going into the actual probabilities, the natural dispersion of the players across the map and the render distance of 5 (6?) greatly thins out the potential for repeated footsteps and eyes across a particular area. Crafty and his staff have put in tools to help cover ground quickly. And now with the Elytras and rockets it's a much easier task.

    2. Consider building underground, or at least keep a small aboveground footprint. Also reducing traces of your activities in the area falls in this category, like half-cut trees and the use of cobblestone. Underground bases are invisible to visitors running overhead.

    3. Avoid high entity counts. 100 is the limit maintained by staff. But higher than 50 a smart player with F3 debug window up will know theres something worth exploring underground.

    4. Avoid oceans. The natural generation of nether portal exits for people traveling out via the Nether roof (a common route on CM) scans for valid locations. If the area all around your base is nothing but water, the only valid location for the portal to generate is your base!

    5. Remove your nether portals on both sides. Nether portal mechanics prioritizes active portals to send a player entering/exiting the Nether. When exiting from the Nether the game looks for an existing portal 1024 blocks around the corresponding Overworld coordinates.

    6. Consider building in the End or the Nether. Everyone builds in overworld cause that's where most of the cool stuff is. So why not go where no one would bother looking cause no one in their right mind would like living there. Consider using Rule #1 too if you do this.

    7. Avoid rare biomes like mesas & ice-spikes. Everyone likes to check out a rare biome.

    8. Avoid predictable coordinates, like 50K x 50K. You wouldn't be the first to think to go there.

    9. Avoid the world boundaries. Anyone traveling past 12500k in any direction in the Nether gets their coordinates truncated to the world boundary when they go back to the Overworld. That's a high chance of getting explorers delivered to your front door.

    10. Kill the cartographer. If you're deciding to use a monument for a base and use a villager cartographer for a map to make it easier, be sure to thank him with a sword to his gut. While cartographers don't give out new map trades to monuments occupied by players longer than 3 minutes, the original cartographer doesn't change his map trade. That means players coming across towns containing the original, "leveled" cartographer, can literally get a map to your base. (This is based on the info I've researched but haven't personally verified yet).

    Good Luck!

  9. Build large and impressive build so big that griefing is impossible a structure so large you can hide a storeroom almost anywhere no one would find it

  10. But that would mean the visibility would be higher, but then again I just found out that the max render distance of the server is 6...

  11. Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    Thanks for the help! And especially to Valgys. Lots of useful information there, definitely will put it to use! If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to keep leaving them. Multiple people can use this conversation to build a better hidden base!

    But that tip about removing your nether portals on both sides... how am I supposed to be able to get to the overworld, while having the portal in the nether destroyed?

  12. Edited 8 years ago by Chilled_Chaos

    Also I realised that destroying the Pyramid next to me would be useful since when players come to check it out, they could easily see my base from there! Remove any/don't build near any attractive structures/biomes! Destroying that Pyramid would take a while tho, and a lot of tools...

    At this point to be honest I actually think moving would be a great Idea but I just don't wanna build my things again. Luckily I don't have much of an actual fortress though.

  13. Yes highly visible but my base is so large u can not see all of it at once from the middle you cant see the outter edges

  14. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    @Chilled__Chaos Thanks for the help! And especially to Valgys. Lots of useful information there, definitely will put it to use! If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to keep leaving them. Multiple people can use this conversation to build a better hidden base!

    But that tip about removing your nether portals on both sides... how am I supposed to be able to get to the overworld, while having the portal in the nether destroyed?

    NP. You're welcome - @ShapedSundew9 is MIA so someone had to mention the results of discussions started by him on this very topic (Although I added a few new ones in this list since then).

    Also, to destroy the nether portal you just set home at your base, return to the Nether to break the portal, and use the book to go back. If you're talking about getting back to the Nether roof use the enderpearl or minecart trick. Or hope someone like me sees it, as I take down all portals for the obsidian without seeing what's on the other side.

  15. If your base is inside of the random tp range you can either wait to get raided or you can move.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    I recommend anti-mining walls, essentially obsidian wall with water running down them surrounded by a moat. the water slows the mining of the obsidian walls giving you ample time to shoot them or hit them with a splash potion. (make sure the moat is something dangerous like 15 blocks deep lava and more than 10 blocks wide)
    p.s. yes a determined group could get in so i would get some friends/mercenaries to help keep the base defended at all times even when your offlinr

  17. no amount of walls will keep people out d00dz just hide it

  18. @gilbertboys no amount of walls will keep people out d00dz just hide it

    i know no wall will keep people out forever but this one may buy them time to gather or hide all their stuff at the very least (if they have people guarding the walls

  19. Here is an idea rename your charater to Bryan Mills

  20. Thanks for the mention @Valgys - its been 7 months since I was last properly active on the server - back now though, starting out anew and learning whats changed (cartographer villager?)

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