i'm reading Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan
i'm reading Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan
Love this quote and it relates to reading so thought i would share.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons
With a book in your hand you are a pilgrim at the gates of a new city.
2Chill that is actually a really nice quote. Thanks for sharing that. :)
Indian Killer was good, now reading What They Carried, which reminds me of Yellow Bird due to guys getting messed up in war + poetic style Except now in Vietnam instead of Iraq
I'm halfway through From Animals into Gods: Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
Neat, you usually read non fiction?
@Cileklim I'm halfway through From Animals into Gods: Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
sounds interesting hm
I just started "Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" by haruki murakami. Thought I'd try some fiction
wots it about?
If ya want something hard to read/half not english but still is, but has some very unexpected things(interpret that however you like, you're probably all right) from what we'd expect from the 14th century, then I'd suggest The Canterbury Tales. Difficult to read cause it's all middle english, but it has some wonderful moments that will definitely catch you off guard. It's really fun to try and understand it and even more bizarre if you listen to it in middle english.
im reading * The Gods themselves* from isaac asimov atm :) almost dere hehe.
The only Asimov book I've read was Nemesis, it had that old stiff Scifi feel (\/)(;,,;)(\/)
Recently been reading Welcome to the Universe by Neil Degrasse Tyson because i saw him on tour.
If such other's on this list are looking for specifically Science Fiction and Fantasy, I can recommend some fantastic books that I read in grade school but are still really good.
Harry Potters - Slightly childish, but if you haven't read them at least once, you should.
The Inheritance series by Christopher Paloni (Commonly called the Eragon series) - Absolutely fantastic four, large, book series that is extremely complex and interesting. I have read these twice, and they are far and away the best fantasy books I have read.
Any books by Orson Scott Card, especially those related to the Ender's Game universe - There are, dozens of books in the same universe, all related to Ender's Game, the first novel you should really start on. These are fantastic and will satisfy your reading needs for a very long time. The books diversify across many aspects of Sci - Fi, and don't become stale as the character's, setting, and plot are completely scrambled across each miniseries within the universe.
^These are all really easy to get into, and most can be found at school librarys (except for all but the first Orson Scott Card books)
The prequel series (earth afire/ earth awakens and the other one I cant remember) are my favorite.
I love Card's books too though I have to admit with the later books of the ender quartet i had no idea what was going on at parts.
By the way! I finished What they carried and am now reading Under the Banner of Heaven, seems pretty good m8 Also What the Carried was more different than Yellow birds than I thought it would be as it focuses more on the characters rather than what they did and is more removed from the war.
billions and billions by carl sagan
Wizard of earthsea atm while im camping :3 for the third time
tale of two cities