Cellexya's Library

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Cellexya

    •Silk Touch - 5 diamonds
    •Infinity - 5 diamonds
    •Flame - 5 diamonds
    •Protection IV - 5 diamonds
    •Curse of Vanishing - 5 diamonds
    •Fire Aspect II - 5 diamonds
    •Lure III - 5 diamonds
    •Unbreaking III - 5 diamonds
    •Looting III - 5 diamonds
    •Thorns III - 5 diamonds
    •Sweeping Edge III - 5 diamonds
    •Mending - 5 diamonds
    •Aqua Affinity - 5 diamonds

    More to be added shortly

    Not currently doing bulk orders, limit is 5 books per transaction.

    Also sold:
    •Apples x64 - 4 diamonds
    •Nametag - 3 diamonds

  2. Nametags added

  3. Edited 7 years ago by Valgys

    Your alternate price of emeralds is intriguing and infers you are in the market for them. Do you have plans to have a direct trade to take in emeralds for diamonds?

  4. If people would like to trade me in diamonds, I won't turn them down as long as it's a reasonable ratio, currently the prices are set so they cover the cost of the books from my villagers and give me a little profit.

  5. why would people want curse of vanishing?

  6. Edited 7 years ago by _Ami_13_

    So people can't steal your stuff if they kill you in PvP.

  7. As Jammy said, people use it for non-mending pvp sets so their enemy won't get their gear when they die

  8. New books added.

  9. New books added, emerald prices removed.

  10. Can I get a curse of vanishing

  11. Yes you can, I'll be on shortly to fill your order.

  12. Do you have luck of the sea or Fortune?

  13. No, I only have the enchantments listed above.

  14. I would love to order one silk touch and two looting III books


    Notify me on here if you're willing to and I'll be on easily :pp

  15. Your books are ready for pickup @Pimpcy

  16. Mending and Aqua Affinity added.

  17. Mending and Aqua Affinity removed due to a certain mod murdering my villager :(

  18. Thorns III added

  19. @Cellexya Mending and Aqua Affinity removed due to a certain mod murdering my villager :(


  20. @Cellexya Mending and Aqua Affinity removed due to a certain mod murdering my villager :(

    I wonder who that was. . .

    I need 2 prot4 books

  21. Newer ›

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