I changed my name and my god set was took and replaced with leather...

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @R4iscool1 You are responsible for you name change, it states clearly in the Faq what will happen if you do so.

    I like how R4 doesn’t feel the need to apologise even though he clearly lied about the FAQ stating anything about losing armour/inventory.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    @Silver_Sonya I like how R4 doesn’t feel the need to apologise even though he clearly lied about the FAQ stating anything about losing armour/inventory.

    I don't recall doing so perhaps you can quote me? "
    All I said is the FAQ makes clear the consequences of changing your name.
    Perhaps you should apologise for incorrectly accusing me of lying.

    Quite interesting how your account only jumps in on staff bashing threads though.

  4. i think what is being meant here is that the FAQ doesn't state anything about losing/ replacing your armour. (that may be something that needs to be updated)
    To however start acusing R4 for lying about it is a bit far fetched in my oppinion.

  5. FAQ needs a small update, that's all. No need to bash someone or argue about it.

  6. It will be added with the next update soon, trying to make it more concise so people read it more.

  7. @R4iscool1 I don't recall doing so perhaps you can quote me? "

    Sure, lemme help your memory out:

    OP: I changed my name and as a result partially lost my inventory.
    R4: "We can't be responsible for anything you lose during that process."
    FAQ: "...however, you will still have your home and inventory."

    Hope that helps mate!

  8. @R4iscool1 Quite interesting how your account only jumps in on staff bashing threads though.

    Quite interesting how you can't remember your own words from 5 days ago but can easily recall my activity from 5 month ago ;)

  9. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    @Silver_Sonya Sure, lemme help your memory out:

    OP: I changed my name and as a result partially lost my inventory.
    R4: "We can't be responsible for anything you lose during that process."
    FAQ: "...however, you will still have your home and inventory."

    Hope that helps mate!

    I'm not seeing a lie, I understand you have a personal grudge but I'd appreciate you not misrepresenting me.
    We can not be responsible for anything lost in a name change process, its entirely at the risk of the user.
    I never stated you keep your armour or that he was lying or any such thing.

  10. @Silver_Sonya Quite interesting how you can't remember your own words from 5 days ago but can easily recall my activity from 5 month ago ;)

    8 actually, can easily be seen in your post history.
    Its interesting you can recall the apparent lies from 5 days ago but neither myself nor anyone else can.

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Silver_Sonya

    @R4iscool1 We can not be responsible for anything lost in a name change process, its entirely at the risk of the user.

    Perhaps its time for you to reread (or read?) the FAQ so you don't mislead users about not keeping their inventory during IGN change.

    Here, lemme help you:


  12. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    I'm honestly not sure what you are trying to prove here.
    I never said they kept their inventory, literally all I said is they are responsible for anything that that happens when they change their name. That's not a lie, please don't misrepresent me.

    You have derailed the thread with your nonsense so I'm locking this thread, if anyone has any suggestions about this issue I'm sure crafty would be delighted to hear them in pm.

  13. It's fixed now, you shouldn't have any issues anymore.

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