I changed my name and my god set was took and replaced with leather...

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Gminipug14

    So as you may already know uh well I changed my name and lost my whole entire god set unfairly and it was replaced with a leather tunic. Please if you are an admin may I have my set back, I was not killed and no one has it. It was replaced when I logged on. I just want it back that's all.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    You are responsible for you name change, it states clearly in the Faq what will happen if you do so.

  3. It was only the god set
    But it was replaced with leather

  4. It's outlined in the Faq what will happen if you change your name, we can't be responsible for anything you lose during that process.

  5. Deleted 7 years ago by iclutchHD
  6. Deleted 7 years ago by Compos
  7. @Gminipug14 new accounts don't get leather something sounds fishy here

  8. nvm @Gminipug14 i see new people now get leather again I am sorry about my last comment

  9. @Gminipug14 So as you may already know uh well I changed my name and lost my whole entire god set unfairly and it was replaced with a leather tunic. Please if you are an admin may I have my set back, I was not killed and no one has it. It was replaced when I logged on. I just want it back that's all.

    Bro sounds super lame i know but change your name back maybe you get it back :D

  10. @javonjw @Gminipug14 new accounts don't get leather something sounds fishy here

    XD yea the iron was to op i guess

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Urid

    @banaanzxcvbnm Bro sounds super lame i know but change your name back maybe you get it back :D

    It doesn't work that way, your items are not stored with your name. My theory is that there is a replaceitem command that replaces your iron armor if a certain scoreboard is 0, and then it sets that scoreboard to something higher.
    When you change your name your scoreboards reset. But I am sure that you don't get items back if you change your name. Also you can only change your Minecraft username once a month.

  12. Edited 7 years ago by MisterReco

    What happens if I change my in-game name? - Changing your in-game name (IGN) will cause a few issues. Your rank/title is tied to your IGN, so changing it will reset you back to a normal player. This means that if you had a rank under your old name, you will lose it. You will also lose your warps, stats (kd, parkour checkpoints, credits), however, you will still have your home and inventory. It's your choice, if you change your name then you will need to contribute again to reacquire your rank.

    This is from the FAQ
    Notice the

    however, you will still have your home and inventory.

  13. When you change your name, your armour is replaced as this is what is given to new players when they join the server.
    You keep everything else.

  14. Wow that's messed up.

  15. @CraftyMyner You should try to fix this! :)

    Here's a way you could do it:
    You could add a filter to the server panel to detect messages (regex form): \w+ [(]formerly known as \w+[)] joined the game. I'm not sure yet how to use regex capturing groups, but you probably know how to do that. Then you can code it to run an automated command that will disable the server tagging the specified player as new via /scoreboard or something.

  16. @Stone__Warrior @CraftyMyner You should try to fix this! :)

    Here's a way you could do it:
    You could add a filter to the server panel to detect messages (regex form): \w+ [(]formerly known as \w+[)] joined the game. I'm not sure yet how to use regex capturing groups, but you probably know how to do that. Then you can code it to run an automated command that will disable the server tagging the specified player as new via /scoreboard or something.

    Or it could just be a /give command that gives you armor instead of replacing what you are already wearing...

  17. @Stone__Warrior @CraftyMyner You should try to fix this! :)

    Here's a way you could do it:
    You could add a filter to the server panel to detect messages (regex form): \w+ [(]formerly known as \w+[)] joined the game. I'm not sure yet how to use regex capturing groups, but you probably know how to do that. Then you can code it to run an automated command that will disable the server tagging the specified player as new via /scoreboard or something.

    This won't really work as a new player is handled by commands faster than the panel could cancel it. Also, players aren't tagged as new, its just finding players not on a team.

    @Urid Or it could just be a /give command that gives you armor instead of replacing what you are already wearing...

    I like the idea of putting it in their inv, save them a step. It was on my list of things to fix, just set it to not replace slots that have something already.

  18. Or maybe... Just don't give new players any gear at all.

  19. @_Haxington_ Or maybe... Just don't give new players any gear at all.

    That's not realistic given the SMP environment and how many resources within the rtp are exhausted.

  20. Edited 7 years ago by onionpaste

    Perhaps you could add a scoreboard tag for when players log in within certain radius (defined in server.properties) of world spawn, then make sure someone has that tag before applying the new player stuff to them. This would work unless someone happened to log out at that specific spot and then change their name.

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