1. 6 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by AnonymousPlayer

    I'm not a fan of censorship

    Here is what BaronBattleBread changed my comment to:
    I'm not a fan of censorship, but i am dumb enough to make a forum post with an assortment of numbers and a single pointless picture, like a fucking robot

    Fun when an admin on a server and forum acts like a child

  2. 137254 6 165773

  3. i heard the clouds rolling in

  4. baron thought it was just spam

  5. roof

  6. IF you arent a fan of cencorship, make and actual fucking post instead of a random number title and a dumbass picture.

  7. 5 years ago

    @BaronBattleBread IF you arent a fan of cencorship, make and actual fucking post instead of a random number title and a dumbass picture.

    Big mad.

  8. @iwarriiori Big mad.

    i dont appreciate stupidity, no :P

  9. Edited 5 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    So far in this thread we have:

    Official Permit

    i can do what i want


  10. My point exactly.

  11. M8, you dont get to come into a sector complaining about how shit is run while you try to hide behind an anonymous identity.

  12. Alright enough of this

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