1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by Hillsong

    Attention all players of CraftyMynes,
    I, Edward766, the lEGEND, am announcing that I am quitting the server.
    Thank you all, Goodbye.
    Now for awards
    Friendliest Players Award: ME, Mibsiken, GimmeDaJuul, Mittins0w0, ......
    Best PvPer: Me
    Most Popular Player: Me
    Richest Player: Me
    Philanthropist of the Century: Me
    Narcissist of the Century: Me

    Winter is the best season. Christmas is the best Holiday. Mangoes are the Greatest of the fruit. Buying apples is a waste of good Mango Money. Beef Jerky is good. Altoids are not so good. Steak is great. The Cucumber is the best vegetable. Sitting outside at 3AM staring at stars in dead of winter is great. Frost Walker > Depth Strider. Owning Diamonds is for Uncivilized kids. The Piano Guys make the best music. Halloween is stupid and brings hordes of annoying kids to knock your door down. Sickness is lame. Medicine used to combat sickness can make you hallucinate. Friends are great, make friends that you can use to benefit yourself (hah jk). Be cool, please don't cry to much for me. Merry Christmas and to all a Good and Peaceful Night.

    Special Thank you to: Landucuus, Mittins0w0, ImperfectPenguin, Not you Ronjob, TomTom900, ElijahEvo, Dejean, VIP653, GimmeDaJuul, ThePhoenix, Faze_McNuggets, wyoming_tribute, mibsiken, DoctorKW, NerdyCyll, HoomanResources, bgmg, outshOtz, and all else.

  2. we will miss you edward766 the LEGEND, leader of breadward,CEO of breadward, health expert, i hope one day you return as we need your knowledge bombs and wisdom. i wil never forget the first day i met you since it was the day i spleefed you (logger), your first death and only death. you are my favorite minecraft player and m3mer,
    , btw; its mittins0w0 not Mittins0w0 -__- and wyoming_trbute is the best pvper not u ~ ;)

    enjoy your break - mittins0w0


  4. Thank you for the book and i hope to see you back soon :(

  5. I will pull you back onto the server to than slaughter you.

  6. outshOtz

    21 Oct 2019 Suspended

    i love you sir and goodbye sir and plz don’t forget about me sir

  7. @outshOtz i love you sir and goodbye sir and plz don’t forget about me sir

    Who dis?

  8. @edward766 Who dis?

    I could ask you the same thing brother.

  9. Deleted 5 years ago by Tez1010
  10. what. did i. just watch.

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