The Collections Thread!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago


    9 Mar 2016 Suspended

    My gear collection!

  3. 8 years ago


    My magic collection, few boxes not in the picture

  4. @tsu my axe is in there somewhere ._.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles


    My collection has a new member! It was made in the 50's but the handle has been replaced since

  6. Lots of Batteries, Mic Packs and Receiver Sets!


  7. @iiTzzJojooo guess what my axe is in the post too <3

  8. Lemme brush the dust off this thread with my awesome Halo / Video Game Collection of awesomeness

    also, nice Magic collection @Nysic , Mines about that size too lol. This next pic is for you! look what I pulled out of my very first Shadows over Innistrad pack!
    yes its foil and yes I almost crapped my pants when I saw it.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    God damn that's an awesome card! I'll have to dig out a few of my favourites. I have a non foil platinum angle somewhere and a Jace the mind bender floating around. But that card in foil God damn!

  10. Damn Kinky look at all those toys.

  11. I really like Halo... lol

  12. All my MTG cards were stolen :( only got a few cards from intro decks now XD

  13. I'm really sorry to hear that Cell : / . I would literally die inside if someone made off with my cards... easily worth around $1500-2k for everything I've got... my commander deck alone (which is my pride and joy) is worth about 300 dollars x_x

    I do know the feeling though... when I was in 5th grade someone stole all my Yu-Gi-Oh cards... everything I owned... which compared to my magic stuff was nothing, but I still had quite a collection... I eventually got everything I lost back and more. I re bought starter decks and traded my way back to where I was... the only things I never got back were my soldier from another world card, and the "masked beast" card I re acquired was in Japanese whereas my original was in English but hey, close enough... My advice is to never give up! keep collecting and you'll get back to where you were. That... and find a better place to keep your cards lol. More specifically... don't leave your backpack halfway across the playground while you go play handball for 3 hours after school... funny thing is my game boy advance and all my pokemon games were in the very next pocket... which they didnt take... weird.

  14. My toy collection.

  15. lol

  16. @jdakandeek the best kind of collection

  17. @Nysic sweet collection. I myself love that game, but i only have about 200 non mana cards and 2 decks (red white spell and a blue green counter creature deck, 60 cards each)

  18. @Kinkybobo OMFG (soz caps plz no ban) its bountiful i had goosebumps. God man I'm in so much awe right now, I envy you Ahaha

    just wow !!! think I'm gonna cry.

  19. Ooh, how did this thread excapey eye?

  20. @Venetorem I love the rapier.

  21. So do i. I have a few friends that use swords too, and i usually use that one

  22. Newer ›

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