My Open Letter

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by SnowProper

    This is an open letter to the community of Craftymynes,
    Hello all, o/, my name is SnowProper. If you do not know me, well then, what is wrong with you? You totally should! I am a nice guy! Anyway, look at me on a tangent already. So, I am going to get right down to business here. I have been a member of this lovely server's community for quite a while now. I have made friends on the server, I have made frenemies (...nemesis!!!!), but one thing I have not really done here is made enemies. I have always followed the rules of the server and tried to be a positive member of the community. And this is how I personaly CHOOSE to play minecraft. Other people CHOOSE to play minecraft differently, and this is fine. Some people would like to be trolly to the community, some people would like to grief and raid bases and some people attempt to garner as much hate to themselves as they can. Playing the role of a villain. To me, all of these are viable ways to play the game. And honestly, that is partly what this is about.
    But first, lets get into the idea of Minecraft as a game. Many people like to say it is. But, to me at least, that is a rather naive way to look at Minecraft. This is much more than a game. It is also a social experience. You may sign onto Minecraft and just want to place one block ontop of the other, and thats cool, but to some people, this is all they really have. They come home from school, after being bullied or depressed or some type of horrible shit from a broken home and log into Craftymynes because this is the brightest spot of their day. The friends they have made here are the true friends they have in this world. Even if they have never met them and in most of our cases, will never meet them. And none of that matters, because Minecraft and Craftymynes makes them happy.
    Now, here is where the problem comes in. When some people who play Minecraft make the fucking CHOICE to use this "game" as a platform to spew hatred out to other players. When they make that CHOICE to say the most vile and repulsive shit they possibly can say to another person just because they can do this. Just because they think it is funny and because when they do this, their friends will give them a virual high five or whatever they fucking do to show approval.
    I am not going to sit here and name any names of the players who have done this here in the past, because I do not want to be accused of targetting someone. But, fuck it, im going to get as damn close as I possibly can. You are a fucking parasite, you are a fucking virus. You choose to go and attack someone who is actually going through some real shit in their life, more shit than I am sure you will EVER go through in that area, just because you thought you could get a laugh for it. Fuck that players feelings on the matter. Fuck everything they are going through, trying to push through a hard time in their life. Damn that to hell, it doesnt matter, because you got a good laugh about it. You disgust me and many many other players on the Craftymynes community. And you were rightly banned for it.
    I know the rules here, as I said earlier I actually follow them. So, I know I am not allowed to post on any players ban appeals. And I am still not going to name any names of whatever players ban appeals that I might want to post on, because I will not be accused of finger pointing here. But there are people out there who make really fucking insincere ban appeals for their actions in this area. So insincere when I took the time to read it I realized something. That when I thought I could not think any less of you as the fucking virus that you are, you went and topped yourself all over again. Essentially making a joke that you were banned for it. As if anyone here would take that as you actually being remorsal for your actions. Fuck that. And to this point, a player like this, who may or may not even exist, still has not got a response for their appeal. So, they may or may not go and make a 2nd appeal.
    If such an appeal existed, I would take the time to read this one too. And I would again think how much of an asshat this player is. Asking for forgiveness and for everyone to be able to walk away from the situation with him in tow. Allowing such a player back onto the server because it is their first infraction or whatever and they learned their lesson. Citing that the only way to be able to learn from a mistake is to be given a second chance on this lovely server. Well, as a member of this server's community, I just want to say that this is incorrect.
    I cannot tell the staff here how to do their jobs, and honestly, I wouldnt dare. I can only imagine how hard it is to have to make these tough decisions. How closely you want to stick to the rules or if exceptions should be made because some people are nothing more than an animal.
    Peronally, IF I was a staff member here though, IF I was the one who decided the fate of such a player, if they actually existed. Then what I would say is that they can take that shit elsewhere. And apply it to another community. If you really are remorseful of what you did then on the next server that my imaginary player that I totally made up here plays on, you can apply that shit. You can be less of a fucking waste of oxygen there and treat the players of that community with a little more respect. I would tell you that you will not be allowed back here ever. Simply put, you fucked up. I would hope that this player is telling the truth, that they really did learn that lesson about how you are suppose to be a decent fucking human being and treat other players with a bit of respect. But, not on craftymynes again. I, obviously, very strongly feel this way.
    But hey, this person does not even exist. and I am not a member of the staff of this server at all. I am only a concerned player, who is writing an open letter to the community because I want the community to realize how people who do these types of things should never be allowed the opportunity to come back and potentionally do it again one day, for another laugh. That these people can never be trusted again for that reason. I am just a member of the Craftymynes community that wanted the rest of the community who felt this way the opportunity to read something that made them think, yes please.
    I hope I accomplised this.
    I love you all. Yours truly, - SnowProper

  2. This is gonna take me like half an hour to read.

  3. Deleted 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer
  4. Deleted 8 years ago by iDogeTwinkie
  5. Deleted 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer
  6. Deleted 8 years ago by iDogeTwinkie
  7. Deleted 8 years ago by Mayorga
  8. On a serious note... I agree with what Snow said. It isn't hard to place down who he is talking to if you took just a minute to go through the forums. I won't add onto what he said because I feel that what Snow claimed is enough to get the idea across.

    and a TL;DR for all y'all:
    Don't be rude and don't get on other peoples shit. You don't know what they're going through. A joke isn't a joke when you're making fun of somebodies ENTIRE EXISTENCE and what they feel comfortable with. People like these don't deserve to be on this server. This server is a place for everyone of every race, gender, and sexuality to play in peace. Don't fuck it up for others because you're just "joking"

  9. True

  10. Agreed.

  11. I wasn't pointing anything towards SnowProper. I was just saying I'll need 30 minutes to read what he wrote because believe me or not, I need that amount of time, especially a paragraph he's wrote. I'm not Albert Einstein so I can read something under 5 minutes.

    So don't go onto me like that thinking I was being rude, because I wasn't. Me and Chips were making a joke out of me needing 30 minutes to read an entire paragraph he wrote therefore no jokes were aimed towards SnowProper.

  12. Doge, I wasn't talking about you. I was referring to Snow's post and the events he was talking about. I wasn't thinking that you were being rude.

  13. Beedobi said it. Thanks for writing this, Snow.

  14. Sorry then Bee. I read what he wrote and suprisingly enough, I needed less than 30 minutes.
    I even underestimated myself. I never liked reading so you know how that works.

    I'm sorry if I came up as an idiot because that obviously wasn't my goal.
    I also agree with SnowProper in everything he's said. I'd most likely do exactly what he said.

    Making fun out of someone's real life problems is wrong. Rather laugh about something that's worth laughing about, not about someone being bullied and depressed. I've been in those years and trust me, it wasn't easy for me. I don't wanna go into details, but whoever was bullied, you know how that felt.

    Whoever makes an attempt to make fun out of someone's problems in real life, I'll be very defensive about it even if I were the one ending up being banned on the server because I can't understand why the fuck would anyone EVER make fun of shit like this. Some people are even in that kind of trouble to even attempt suicide in real life because they think they're completely worthless and full of emptyness.

    Shit like that isn't for joking and it never was.

  15. Aweh gg on you the best nemesis I could ever have that no one could top <3

    Honestly for a while now this needed to get through around here from personal experiences
    And what a guy to do so!

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    I'm gonna bring in my own unpopular opinion before this thread gets closed.
    I spend a lot of time here in the forum while being in my afk-grinder.
    I've read a large amount of ban appeals. I have the feeling that server staff wouldn't even unban their own admins when caught for hacking or whatever. What I want to say is that I think that staff sticks very strictly to their own rules. I have also seen that Chat violators get unbanned in the most cases, as long as they learned their lesson and really apologize.
    I am not staff, It is not my job to jugde. But I think that he deserves a second chance, just like the other chat violators did.
    Same rules for everybody.

  17. -image-

  18. @SnowProper I agree with both you and @Beedobi that this server shouldn't (in my own words) dissolve into a madness where kids like me could very well get picked on what they identify as or believe in. I may not get along with a few people on this server but I love every single one of CraftyMynes. I love this server. I get so invested into reading every single forum thread because I love to hear people's thoughts on whatever's going on in Minecraft or any other form of social media or heck, quite possibly the world. I've grown very fond of some people on here who I call my best friends. This is a server I plan to stay on, this is a server I've fallen in love with. Thank you @CraftyMyner for bringing people together on a server, keep up the amazing work. You ALL are BEAUTIFUL people! <3

  19. i agree with every single point you made in this post, i'm really glad you said something about this. thank you.

  20. It is not as much as a chat violation as it was directed hate speech. Spamming the n word directed at no one is 10000000 times less offensive.

  21. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Beedobi

    It is one thing for someone to repeatedly spam horrible and offensive words. It is a COMPLETELY different thing to go out of your way to make cruel jokes about somebodies life style and comfort.

    and here's why:

    Spamming words is something that we see often in the server. We ask them to stop, they do not, and they are banned for such. But we know that they are merely trolls going out of their way to try and mess with the players. They know what they are doing is wrong, and yet they continue. The go on despite the multiple warnings they are given simply because they can. Yes, they mean to cause harm. But we know that is what they are here for. They did not come to play, they came to troll.

    What snow was referring to, was an entirely different subject. The person banned was a daily player and had been there for a pretty long time. He KNEW the rules. He came to play and enjoy his time on Craftymynes. He went after another player, who was also a daily, and he was asked to stop. He continued and was TOLD to stop. He continued to say harmful things despite knowing the server rules and being warned multiple times. He felt as though HE was the victim in this circumstance. In fact he made a forum post about how he was being "victimized".

    There is a very noticeable line between the two scenarios.

  22. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    All Hail The Holy Wall Of Text.

  23. triggered

  24. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    for my say on this: in the post, @SnowProper, you said "take this shit elsewhere, to another community." i don't think any community deserves some of the truly horrible people that play on here, (not just fluxated) nor does any human being that exists currently. i've seen shit get thrown back and forth between's not pretty when it happens. i do wish it would happen less but the staff is giving it all they've got, so we really should thank them.

    dawn did the edit matter even

  25. Edited 8 years ago by SnowProper

    @argonFiles -image-

    You are adorable :)

  26. @SnowProper @argonFiles -image-

    You are adorable :)

    Are you attempting to discredit something i said?

  27. Edited 8 years ago by SnowProper

    no, its nothing. no worries argon, this post isnt about me at all. so we dont need to get into any of that in here.

  28. Someone spammed the n word?

  29. @Captain_Mitchell Someone spammed the n word?


  30. @Captain_Mitchell Cell was just making up a scenario
    but of course, we do get people spamming those words more often than not. She was not referring to anybody in particular

  31. That player in question broke rules 1,2,3,5 and 16

  32. Oh sorry didnt know.

  33. [deleted]

    23 May 2016
    Deleted 4 years ago by CraftyMyner
  34. Holy thread necro, Batman. I thought discussion on this subject was locked?

  35. It is, as of now.. XD hahahaha how'd this thread even come back

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