1.20 Server Reset Announcement

  1. last year
    Edited last year by CraftyMyner

    With Minecraft 1.20 set to release tomorrow, we wanted to update the community on what is happening.

    When 1.19 came out, we didn't believe that the changes were enough to warrant a full reset. With previous partial resets causing unforeseen issues, we thought it was best to leave the world as knowing that 1.20 would bring much bigger changes.

    Our current map is now at almost 1TB and 3 years old, it is time for a full reset. Our staff have been hard at work refreshing the look of spawn and implementing the new blocks and features. We have also took this time to look at our rules and operational procedures. Some of the more abstract rules have been simplified or combined to make them easier to follow. We have also reduced how strict the chat filter is.

    We hope that this reset will bring a much needed refresh to our community for our existing loyal players along with new players keen to see what the latest version of minecraft has to offer.

    I have purchased a new server with more RAM and storage to hopefully help with performance. Due to this, we will need to switch the domains over before the reset. Most players should see the changes happen quickly, however, if you are unable to connect, please use "snapshot.myne.fun" to connect.

    Assuming no unforeseen issues, we expect 1.20 to release tomorrow. Due to my work schedule, the reset is likely to happen in the later hours around 6PM PST (9PM EST). We are excited to see everyone back to enjoy this great CraftyMynes community.

  2. cool news but

    @CraftyMyner We have also took this time to look at our rules and operational procedures. Some of the more abstract rules have been simplified or combined to make them easier to follow. We have also reduced how strict the chat filter is.

    can you elaborate a little on this?

  3. So excited!

  4. @Schlocked cool news but

    can you elaborate a little on this?

    The updated rules will be posted soon and available for all players to see!

  5. @DystopiaUnbound_ The updated rules will be posted soon and available for all players to see!

    @Schlocked cool news but
    can you elaborate a little on this?

    The rules have been updated. You can check out this diff of the rules to see everything that has changed:


  6. @CraftyMyner The rules have been updated. You can check out this diff of the rules to see everything that has changed:

    " rel="nofollow external">https://www.diffchecker.com/zNnYsflf/[/quote]
    Damn, unfortunate that most of the rules haven't actually changed. Seems like the server is going to stay pretty much exactly as it was just with the new minecraft version. Don't think I'll be playing on this one.

  7. reset in 30 mins

  8. Happy to hear the news. I used to play on this server years ago and I was waiting for a reset to return. Hope it works out!

  9. Hello, I just wanted to bring up what may be a discrepancy in the rules. I've noted under the FAQ [what type of farms are allowed on the server?] that 100 entities are noted as being the cap. However in the Rules tab [entity management] it lists it as 150.

    Reason I bring this up is a long time ago I think I ran afoul of this one (or came close to it). Is the limit 100 or 150 or am I misunderstanding this?

    Thank you

  10. It's been raised to 150, I will update FAQ. Thanks!

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