1.9 Updates and Ideas

  1. 9 years ago

    This thread will serve as a source for all 1.9 updates/information as well as a place to suggest any ideas or wishes for 1.9.

  2. As of now, we will be giving at least a week of notice after mojang tells us the release date before we make any changes regarding 1.9.

  3. Eagerly looking forward to the new 1.9 server. When you have a date. I will make arrangements for any time off from work I want to take :)

  4. I'm for a reset, however I've spent so much time and resources into my creation. Would it be possible to pay and in return have aspects of our builds copy and pasted?

  5. This is something I thought of but there's many issues I would need to figure out before I could make this a possibility. As far as just getting a copy that you could use for your own personal use, that would not be an issues.

    #1. I don't have a lot of time to be copy pasting worlds between 2 servers.

    #2. The seeds are different and would cause headache when trying to get the base to look at home in its new location.

    #3. Many players would complain that its a pay to win server. I can hear the complaints already. "Why does Johnny get to keep all his gapples and not start at square one like everyone else?"

    #4. One of the big reasons for the reset is to reduce the lag from massive bases and the like.

    So, is it possible, sure, is it feasible maybe, are we going to do it, who knows.

  6. Already discussed this in the announcement, but moving it here.

    I know its not set in stone, but having Elytra up for a large amount of votes seems like a great idea.
    Seeing as how people might just raid the end of these wings before people even step foot onto the new server would seem bad. But as a "vote item" it seems more fitting, that way everyone will have a chance to acquire them. I know you want to avoid the "pay-to-win" scenario, as it is a pretty shit system, but all the Elytra's do is glide and make you look cool.

  7. Also, I assume our votes are being transferred along with VIP status to the new server?

  8. Vip and ban lists are being transferred according to the other thread. Not sure about votes though.

  9. No, Votes will not be transfered, the way they work is different, you have a total and a balance, you can spent the balance without your total going down.

  10. Will vip be transferred over?

  11. Edited 9 years ago by BoneChi11er

    Yes thats already been stated. VIP will be transferred.

  12. Sweet sorry to waste your time.

  13. well if the server resets i for one will be more than a little disappointed as i have put a lot of hard work into rebuilding since the last reset. that being said if a restart is needed then so be it. (since last reset i've mined 69,367 obsidian which has all been used for my base)

  14. Nothing is being reset Logan there are 2 servers

  15. yeah i missed wherever that info is. well looks like i won't be playing 1.9 after all.

  16. IMO, eventually the old server would die. Thats always the case with updates. My wish is there should be a way to copy paste part of the base, like the suggestion of Discordia above. Im willing to shed a few bucks than to spend all the weeks/months of work. Some players here are hardcore builders. That way there would be continuity of our work.

  17. Edited 9 years ago by r4iscool1

    It wouldnt be fair on new players then.
    The server would start and people would already be at the end game with stacks of gapples and sets.
    Alongside kickass bases with grinders and facilities to dominate the server and the economy.

  18. Thus, continuity. Yeah there would be new players, they will start at some point and work their way up. My point is we are old players and worked our way up, we've been there. Im just saying that it shouldnt be just because we upgrade to 1.9 we abandon everything we built. We are the same community CraftyMynes. And dont say we still have the 1.8 server, I just stated that eventually will die. I know reset sucks for everyone, especially old players. Thats why Im suggesting this possibility.

  19. Edited 9 years ago by r4iscool1

    Its not just because we have started 1.9.
    The fact is, our map is very corrupted and large and it simply cant be carried over.

    Its not feasible for staff to copy hundreds of bases over to the new map without it taking a long time during which the server would need to be down and we would never get it finished. Following which we would need to take the server down everytime someone asked for their base or only end up copying half the server players bases making it even less fair.

    Itd also destroy the economy with the Gapples stockpiled and ruin the end fight.

    Believe me, i know about your pain, I wont be able to carry over my dragon egg, my base, my 4 stacks of gapples and 6, stacks of diamond blocks.
    Id love to have these on the new map but it isnt feasible and or fair.

  20. Plenty of people will want to play 1.8 too since so many people dislike 1.9 and we will attract players from other servers wanting 1.8.

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