VIP/VIP+ Special Sale!

  1. 8 years ago

    1st person to comment will get VIP+ for only 32 diamond blocks
    2nd person will get VIP absolutely free!

  2. Edited 8 years ago by gauthierboys

    i just want vip dude


  3. (can i give it to someone else?)

  4. I'm too cool for VIP

  5. i want VIP because i heard VIP + is like a month and VIP is foreva

    And i dont want to waste 32 Dia blocks

  6. I think I deserve vip I've heard about how helpful it is

  7. lol rip would be nice but oh well

  8. @Gauthierboys yes! Just VIP can do

    @Dannysharks Since Gauthierboys is only taking VIP you have the option of giving someone VIP+ for 32 diamond blocks or giving someone VIP for free

  9. we love you danny <3

  10. Danny plz ;- ;

  11. Gotta see that VIP+ Parkour.

  12. Its not up.

  13. Vip+ parkour has been up since the vip+ area was released @Captain_Mitchell

  14. Oops I was thinking of the thing in the crafting guild

  15. And Done! Enjoy your VIP and VIP+

  16. Rip I wanted to buy that vip+

  17. who got it @SovietSuperman_

  18. i only came on this tab thing to say hey grey face plz don't take that mean.

  19. thread* not tab thing

  20. @ghostassasin81
    just_a_penguin and Gautheirboys received it!

  21. Newer ›

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