Minecraft Version 1.9 and the state of CraftyMynes

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago

    To my knowledge your VIP will be transferred but since its a different server with a new map builds will not be transferred

  3. @Shapedsundew9, to answer your question, yes.

  4. Oolfa

    3 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Go crafty go!! :D

  5. I see crafty is lurking on the forums. Any updates for us? :D

  6. I have loaded about 1,097,500 out of the 1,562,500 that I need loaded. I have a plan for VIP as well.

    VIP/VIP+ upgrade ($15)

    VIP+ ($25) first time is one month of VIP+ second time is 2 months of VIP+, so pre paying saves you $5

  7. The other stuff like server bills will be changed soon.

  8. You definitely deserve a few pizza's. lol

  9. Edited 9 years ago by Nysic

    Pizzas coming next week :P

    He's still eatingeating the 80+ I've bought him so far

  10. @Nysic Pizzas coming next week :P

    He's still eatingeating the 80+ I've bought him so far

    We should enter crafty in a eating competition. He would probably just inhale the food >.<

  11. @Shapedsundew9 for LifeLongStew:
    When will Crafty move to 1.9? As soon as the VIP stuff is done, we are working very hard to finish it.
    Will we still have our base? The 1.8.9 server will still be there, but the 1.9 server is a fresh map.
    Will Dawn still be an admin? Yes.
    Will we still have our rainbow? In the 1.8.9 server.
    Will Crafty need new staff? It's the same staff, although we are always looking for more!
    What will happen to spawn? 1.8.9 server will stay the same. The 1.9 one is different.
    Where will the villagers be in the new spawn? Yes.
    Do you think Crafty will kill the Ender Dragon? No. Up to players.
    Will admins still be allowed to fly? Yes, and creative and so on.
    Why hasn't Crafty made the 1.9 server yet? Has he done it now? It has been made and has been up, yes.
    Why does it take so long? It's not.
    Will I still be a VIP? Yes.
    Will Dawn still look the same? I might change my skin a tiny bit but nothing noticeable.
    What happens if Dawn doesn't look the same and I think she is a raider and I try and kill her, will I get banned? You get The Cactus Treatment for being naughty, and no Nathalie Porkman.
    What about the banned people will they still be banned...= Yes. If you are banned on the 1.8.9 server, you will also be banned on the 1.9 server.

  12. Take your time Crafty.

  13. That's good to read, that you are doing your best on making new server :).

  14. @Captain_Mitchell Take your time Crafty.


  15. I want to give a big thank you to Crafty and to staff. You guys worked tirelessly to get this up and running and it looks amazing. Good job! It is well appreciated.

  16. Thanks Crafty & Dawn...LifeLongStew is on now and he is very happy - I might get some peace for a while.

  17. Welp.

    Looks like I picked a good time to return.

  18. Eney idea when the toa will be up

  19. I have to balance a lot right now, but tpa is first on my list, I may see if I can get a temporary base tpa while I iron out the new tpa system.

  20. Thanks for all of the work you have put into this server to make it fun

  21. No problem!

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