1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by TheDunmerRaven

    In the final day of the server, the ravens have prevailed over the sharks! The immense cawing has driven those who bear the teeth back the ocean with their tails between their fins!

    In essence, I, TheDunmerRaven have stroke the final strike in the ongoing battle between the two, I alone have vanquished them!


    Oh most wonderful of days that the skys themself colour in pleasure!


    The tyranny of Dannysharks has now ended, all hail those who caw!

    Caw! Caw! Caw!

  2. waC! waC! waC!

    Always knew Danny was a nub

  4. Sadly this post neglects to mention my first attempt which was 32 blocks of tnt in a 2X1 space which I pushed him into :D

  5. Shark vs raven, fatality: raven wins!

  6. In its final moments.. the server became even more ravenised. As was foretold!



    Even an admin favoured the ravens...


    Stay Caw my friends!

    CAW! CAW!

  7. CAW!

  8. Caw!

  9. waC waC waC!

  10. @_Confederacy_ waC waC waC!

    I just imagine a murder of crows with that one crazy crow say waC

  11. Rebel Crow :P

  12. someone explain caw plz ._.

  13. @TheBlizWiz
    Write a reply...

    its the sound of the ravens (and the crows)

  14. @Tweakerzoid Yeah, I get that part, but what is the significance?

  15. @TheBlizWiz @Tweakerzoid Yeah, I get that part, but what is the significance?

    It's the sound Ravens make. So therefore it's the calling sound of TheDunmerRaven. It's like the "over and out" phrase you use at the end of a sentence for radios. This may not be exactly right, but it's the easiest way I can think of explaining it. It's just a phrase that is used commonly in a raven's dialogue.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Grinning_Bobcat

    @Dennari43 It's the sound Ravens make. So therefore it's the calling sound of TheDunmerRaven. It's like the "over and out" phrase you use at the end of a sentence for radios. This may not be exactly right, but it's the easiest way I can think of explaining it. It's just a phrase that is used commonly in a raven's dialogue.

    *contemplating to be a narrator*

    ornithologist Dennari43 explains the significance and meaning of "Caw"

  17. @Dennari43 It's the sound Ravens make. So therefore it's the calling sound of TheDunmerRaven. It's like the "over and out" phrase you use at the end of a sentence for radios. This may not be exactly right, but it's the easiest way I can think of explaining it. It's just a phrase that is used commonly in a raven's dialogue.

    I think more specifically used in this ravens dialogue. By this point to stop to be tantamount to a betrayal of my raven self. Caw! I

  18. Edited 8 years ago by Retrochewy

    waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC! waC!

  19. nonononononono
    ur explanation are all horrible
    we need to consult the great david attenborough

    shh.....Here we see a wild dunmerraven in his natural habitat. it is mid summer, the prime mating season.. so how do these ravens breed? well first, our raven gives off 3 mating calls. CAW! CAW! CAW! immediately many female ravens get attracted to his call, but soon they are lost and drowned by other raven caws. but dunmer is determined, and continues to caw, louder and louder, but he is a nub so no one gets attracted to his caws. He has missed the mating season. ah well, i guess he has to sit in his nest and wait for another year...

  20. You know, the Raven group from Bioshock had style.... Maybe go on that route? Just not the racist nor anti Lincoln stuff. I could totally back you up if you had that disappear in a cloud of ravens. It would be quite cool. lol Mod anyone??

  21. Newer ›

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