Closed Temporarily - Green's Wizardry and Blacksmithery

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  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by superbrix

    I wanna buy 2 stacks of observers and 2 stack of pistons and a stack of redstone repeaters..
    Gonna try and catch u online.
    EDIT :
    So 18 diamonds for the pistons and 12 diamonds for the observers idk what your prices are for repeaters.
    so 63 + 63 pistons and 72 + 72 observers = 30 diamonds total for that and then as said idk repeaters

  3. @superbrix I wanna buy 2 stacks of observers and 2 stack of pistons and a stack of redstone repeaters..
    Gonna try and catch u online.
    EDIT :
    So 18 diamonds for the pistons and 12 diamonds for the observers idk what your prices are for repeaters.
    so 63 + 63 pistons and 72 + 72 observers = 30 diamonds total for that and then as said idk repeaters

    Oh my god! You're right! I forgot about repeaters!

    I will have your order ready very soon.


  4. I'd like to order 60 splash potions of weakness. 20 dia isn't it?

  5. U said other potion ingredients, so can I get some ghast tears?

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    @Cutebot U said other potion ingredients, so can I get some ghast tears?

    I'll see how much I have.

    @Cellexya I'd like to order 60 splash potions of weakness. 20 dia isn't it?

    I actually just remembered you ordered 3 dubs of weakness a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I forgot. Do you want me to cut that order down to 60 potions?

  7. @superbrix I wanna buy 2 stacks of observers and 2 stack of pistons and a stack of redstone repeaters..
    Gonna try and catch u online.
    EDIT :
    So 18 diamonds for the pistons and 12 diamonds for the observers idk what your prices are for repeaters.
    so 63 + 63 pistons and 72 + 72 observers = 30 diamonds total for that and then as said idk repeaters

    Order is ready. The total is 34 diamonds.

  8. @OtherGreenGamer Yes please <3

  9. @Cellexya @OtherGreenGamer Yes please <3

    Order complete, the total is 19 diamonds.

    @Cutebot U said other potion ingredients, so can I get some ghast tears?

    I have 9 ghast tears I can sell.

  10. @OtherGreenGamer let me know when you're on next and we'll do the exchange in shulker boxes :D

  11. Edited 7 years ago by superbrix

    Othergreengamer im not sure what your timezone is but i'll be on at this time tommorow if that fits you

  12. @superbrix Othergreengamer im not sure what your timezone is but i'll be on at this time tommorow if that fits you


  13. im on in 30 min

  14. @superbrix im on in 30 min

    I'm on rn

  15. I'd like to buy another 30 splash weakness potions. If you don't have the gunpowder, I'll take them as non-splash

  16. @Cellexya I'd like to buy another 30 splash weakness potions. If you don't have the gunpowder, I'll take them as non-splash

    Would you mind paying 22* gunpowder instead of 9 diamonds?

    (* 7 gunpowder it costs to make + 15 as payment)

  17. I can do that @OtherGreenGamer just let me know when you're online

  18. @GrinningBobcat *takes a stack of stone. Stack of planks. Makes them into buttons* fREE BUTTONS!!!

    Get the point .-.

    Ain't no body got time fo' dat!

  19. @iDogeTwinkie Ain't no body got time fo' dat!

    It's cheap shit

  20. @Cellexya I can do that @OtherGreenGamer just let me know when you're online

    I'll finish your order today. Sorry about the wait, had irl stuff to do and when I was on I was focused on other stuff :(

  21. @Cellexya Your order is ready, I'll msg you in game when we're both on.

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