1. 7 years ago

    Not much sknup seen of late marital bliss has pretty much run out and i have bigger things to deal will atm. Great server to play on the best but i maybe away for some time good luck everyone

  2. Bye

  3. Good luck to you too :) Hope you get life back on track soon. All the best.

  4. Do the things you have to do before you can get to the things you want to do. Wishing you the best of luck. I'll miss seeing your massive builds until next time.

  5. The builds are still there maybe crafty will let them out public auction or some thing

  6. Better not pull an asrad on me! youve been one of the best people ive played with these past few years. Goodluck and hope to see you pop in from time to time :)

  7. I hope you can return to us soon sknup! May good luck accompany you in your endeavors. Hope we can see more of your builds in the future. I especially hope to see more of this amazing build, whatever it is! :D

  8. GL hope things go well, try and keep contact at the least :P

  9. @sknup The builds are still there maybe crafty will let them out public auction or some thing

    beforethat happens i want a tour bro, ive been very patient, lol

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