@neonjews I can convince a player accept a TPA request and kill them, and because THEY had to click accept, it's alright.
In this first scenario if the person you are trying to kill instead kills you then they should be banned according to what @BaronBattleBread is saying.
@BaronBattleBread Convincing someone to TPA to you, and then killing them is bannable.
Or maybe there's something about intent that I'm not understanding here. It's very confusing the way it's currently explained. Does it all hing on who convinces who? Does it matter who initiates the conflict?
With the random tp someone else can try to tp with you without your permission, but with TPA there's no way for a third party come along for the ride. Only the player that A chooses get's a TPA request and only the player that B chooses get's accepted. So it seams like it shouldn't matter if A attacks B, B attacks A, A kills B, or B kills A.
Here's the options:
A convinces B, A attacks B, neither dies.
A convinces B, A attacks B, both die.
A convinces B, A attacks B, B dies
A convinces B, A attacks B, A dies
A convinces B, B attacks A, neither dies.
A convinces B, B attacks A, both die.
A convinces B, B attacks A, A dies
A convinces B, B attacks A, B dies
B convinces A, A attacks B, neither dies.
B convinces A, A attacks B, both die.
B convinces A, A attacks B, B dies
B convinces A, A attacks B, A dies
B convinces A, B attacks A, neither dies.
B convinces A, B attacks A, both die.
B convinces A, B attacks A, A dies
B convinces A, B attacks A, B dies
I'm both curious which of these are against the rules and why. Also do these rules only hold for a certain amount of time?