1. 7 years ago

    I feel like its time to share some pictures of my private base that me and my roommate felx3221 have been working on since february 2017.
    I present you the castle and town of Durinôr:
    The castle keep on the left
    the unfinished palace on the right
    the great hall inside of the palace viewed from the entrance
    viewed from the throne
    and some pics from the yet unfinished town

  2. Really nice and smooth.


  4. Looks Amazing!

  5. it's too pretty to not be demolished to little pieces.

  6. Wow! Looks great!

  7. That looks amazing

  8. Damn you good builders and your skill. I can't build for shit comparatively

  9. Holy crap, that looks amazing. The optifine makes it look absolutely stunning.

  10. @OtherGreenGamer Damn you good builders and your skill. I can't build for shit comparatively

    I feel the same way man

  11. @OtherGreenGamer Damn you good builders and your skill. I can't build for shit comparatively

    Damn you too green

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