A&C Global Co. shop

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by bgmg


    A&C Co. has finally restocked all of its products ! Best quality enchantments and great service before and after sale !

    We strive to offer best prices on a wide range of products to all types of customers.

    Please note that most products are cheaper when sold in bundles. Individually buying products will result in higher prices.

    A&C is not specialized in all fields cited below. Some prices may be cheaper in other shops & re sellers.

    [+] God Armor Kit : 75 diamonds

    • Diamond Helmet [Pro IV, Aqua Affinity, Resp III, Unb III, Mending]
    • Diamond Chestplate [Pro IV, , Unb III, Mending]
    • Diamond Leggings [Pro IV, Unb III, Mending]
    • Diamond Boots [Pro IV, Depth Strider III, Feather Falling IV, Unb III, Mending]

    [+] God Tools & Weapons :

    • Diamond Sword [Sharp V, Fire Aspect II, Looting III, Sweeping Edge III, Unb III, Mending] : 35 diamonds
    • Bow [Power V, Punch II, Flame, Unb III, Mending OR Infinity] : 25 diamonds
    • Diamond Pick : [Eff V, Unb III, Mending, Fortune III OR Silk Touch] : 20 diamonds

    [+] Other Tools :

    • Diamond Shovel : [Eff V, Unb III, Mending, Fortune III OR Silk Touch] : 18 diamonds
    • Diamond Axe : [Eff V, Unb III, Mending, Fortune III OR Silk Touch] : 20 diamonds

    [+] Extra :

    • Elytra : [Unb III, Mending] : 27 diamonds
    • Shulker box : 9 diamonds

    >> ENGINEER : (For redstone systems the installation process (optinal) is free with a base non-disclosure agreement signed before the procedure)

    [+] Beacon : 10db
    [+] Conduit : 2db
    [+] 3x3 piston door kit : 25 diamonds
    - contains : 10 observers, 10 sticky piston, 1 piston, 2 droppers, 2 repeaters, 64 redstone
    [+] 4x4 piston door kit : coming soon...

  2. can i trade conduits for a beacon? 5 to 1?

  3. Running low on beacons atm... I might lower conduit prices as they are getting more common

  4. Edited 6 years ago by FieryPhoenix64

    Can I trade a 3 x 3 door kit for a God Bow? Is that allowed?

  5. -_- If you took a paper and a pencil you would realize that a god bow is 25d whereas the door kit is 35... No deal to be done here.

  6. Yeah, so if I gave you a 3x3 door, and you gave me a bow, technicly you'd make a profit of 10 diamonds, so we'd both be happy. ☺

  7. can i get a fortune 3 god pick

  8. Edited 6 years ago by FieryPhoenix64

    @bgmg - Diamond Pick : [Eff V, Unb III, Mending, Fortune III OR Silk Touch] : 20 diamonds individually

    When you say 'OR', does that mean you can pick 1 of the 5 enchantments, or it comes with the first 3 and you can pick an extra one from the last 2?

  9. Prices updated for new A&C restocking !

  10. @FieryPhoenix64 When you say 'OR', does that mean you can pick 1 of the 5 enchantments, or it comes with the first 3 and you can pick an extra one from the last 2?

    The pick comes with Unb III Eff V and Mending, then you chose either Fortune III or Silk touch

  11. Ok, that makes sense. Thanks!

  12. Some prices have been updates

  13. Shouldnt this be in the shops section rather then the selling section? :)

  14. Edited 6 years ago by bgmg

    How can I change that? Is it only Mods & admins that can?
    Anyways elytras are now cheaper !

  15. Edited 6 years ago by humfrydog

    How cheap and whats the price for shulker shells?

  16. 5 years ago

    Who is currently employed under A&C Co.

  17. @SadFeeling Who is currently employed under A&C Co.

    I belive its just bgmg, but I may be wrong

  18. @SadFeeling Who is currently employed under A&C Co.

    bgmg, camie22007

  19. Edited 5 years ago by Zaper8

    Can I get a quote for a custom order? I'm looking to buy around 9 pickaxes with only Mending, Efficiency V and Unbreaking III. Hoping to get a discount or something. @bgmg

  20. @Zaper8 Can I get a quote for a custom order? I'm looking to buy around 9 pickaxes with only Mending, Efficiency V and Unbreaking III. Hoping to get a discount or something.

    Dont you want silk or fortune? They're both very useful

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