CraftyMynes Episode 1

  1. 5 years ago

    One of the admins said I'm allowed to post the video on the forums :D

  2. NerdieBirdie is BACK????

  3. @deyahruhd NerdieBirdie is BACK????

    W-Who is NerdieBirdie?

  4. Edited 5 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    @ChicagoGod W-Who is NerdieBirdie?

    Youtuber that joined the server a year or two ago. Ran a faction called Nerd Nation that was a target for raids due to it’s open-ish door policy and being ran by a Youtuber. He eventually made the faction invite only. Ended up leaving for another server.

  5. @ChicagoGod W-Who is NerdieBirdie?

    Its NerdieBirdieYT man catch up with the times

  6. Newer players to the server won't be fimiliar with past players on the server Mittens.

    It is as Green said former player on the server who is also a Youtuber not a bad person from memory. If you do intend to build bases with people who watch your channel be sure to vet them first. Personally I would only build with people I trust but with the home system you can have multiple bases. I would highly recommend keeping a base for your own use and keep it solely to yourself and have a seperate base for everything else.

  7. ok

  8. 4 years ago


    28 Mar 2020 Suspended

    Hey ChicagoGod,
    I looked at your channel and you have a good amount of subscribers and views.
    I also have a YT channel myself:
    And I do upload minecraft videos from on craftymynes.
    Could you maybe tell me some tips you used to get more subscribers and views.


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