Muted on discord for having a conversation & defending myself against toxicity...

  1. 4 years ago

    Hello there Crafty Myners. Today on Discord I had an issue. A player by the name Deyahruhd is always a smart ass & toxic in discord chat & in-game chat.. Always has something to say to somebody else, apparently their known for pushing players buttons. Everytime I would say something in Discord (which doesn't happen often) Deyah says "florida is a sh*thole" because our first interaction I said I lived in Florida, then they said "florida is a sh*thole" & ever since then, everytime I typed in Discord thats what they would say. So I realized "well this kid is toxic 24/7, staff encourage it and don't care, so I'm gonna be toxic back" the whole point of this is was to see how corrupt the staff actually are, whether they would mute me, ban me, etc for being toxic back to toxic. Okay so first of all, I was targetting Deyahruhd specifically, I was being toxic to him just how he's toxic to everybody else. We go into this whole argument about coincidence & him purposely saying "florida is a shithole" everytime I type is a "coincidence" then he goes completely off topic talking about me personally, insulting me, assuming. Awesomecreeper50 was asking me about the tournament dates, I tried to stop the conversation with Deyah, but he kept going at me... We went back and forth back and forth, now mind you I was being the same toxic way back to Deyah as he was to me (Regardless of specific words or terms being used, its still the same meaning) Then we went on about how Team Eye, on how they failed as a team, ALL NORMAL server discussions... Then cankicker says "Whats Florida again?" and Deyah replies under " its a stinky sh*t hole until bt moves out of it" so now their back to being toxic WHILE the manager Dawn is watching... so we went from having a normal conversation to toxicity... so I was toxic back, simple. Their doing it why can't I? From there we just continue to bicker back and forth, all while staff were watching... So they knew I wasn't the instigator. Then Deyah claims I wasn't human, I replied with "There's only 1 race confirmed 100% human" One person directly questioned it, while others implied their curiosity through different forms of communication. I then decide to answer THE QUESTION THEY ASKED with "Africans are 100% humans (black people). White people are genetically modified by an alien race, they are 90% human, 10% Neanderthal" So I answered a questioned they asked scientifically. They then called me racist (ofc they did because their trolls) I then questioned EXACTLY how I was racist. One person quoted it saying "You said black people and white people" I then try and explain to them the words "white and black" aren't in any way, shape or form racist, that I was explaining it in scientific terms... Then littleblueflame, loodledeedoo, bambbin, awesomecreeper50, fatherelement, cankicker, deyah, iwarriori, geth were all being toxic & trolling me saying how I was racist, this that and the 3rd (its a long argument so me posting screenshots to prove would be a lot of work) so I just kept using the same energy they were using on me, I was also defending myself at this point instead of instigating it. I continued to question them, argue & try to prove myself right, I even posted a video with over 100k views explaining the same thing I just explained to them BY A AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE to prove I was right. They didn't seem to care, just continued to say non-sense and be toxic. The reason I'm making this post is because Bambbin (A mod) encouraged them, was toxic and even PM me "Hey man I'm not mad because the situation isn't just you. just know that deya and warrior pretty much just get people riled up and be controvertial. the biggest of trolls, I'll take note of them pushing other players' buttons in staff chat" basically offered to deal with the situation & apologized to me... but yet he continues to encourage them & doesn't do a thing about it. So Dawn comes in and keeps saying "stop, cut it out, cease the argument" but she doesn't do anything about it... so time pasts, we're still arguing..Then I get permanently muted from the discord... DeyahRuhd and everyone else did not get muted when their the instigators... even though dawn claimed to have "muted one person" it still doesn't make up for the other 10 people that were being toxic... Basically I'm pist because this is yet another situation where I'm wrongly punished, another example of pure staff abuse. Now mind you they were all in a voice call except me... so that takes away the reminder for Staff to be professional dealing with toxic players... doesn't make sense to me, this will probably get deleted by a staff for some made up reason, who knows....

  2. Deleted 4 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  3. Could you remove all of the extra periods you added? They make this hard to read.

  4. deyahruhd follows the rules. he is a model craftymynes citizen, and always ceases his actions when instructed by staff.

    @Sabades I then decide to answer THE QUESTION THEY ASKED with "Africans are 100% humans (black people). White people are genetically modified by an alien race, they are 90% human, 10% Neanderthal"

    smoothbrain fell for conspiracy theory, hilarious!

    @Sabades I even posted a video with over 100k views explaining the same thing I just explained to them BY A AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE to prove I was right.

    appeal to authority logical fallacy

    @Sabades Then we went on about how Team Eye, on how they failed as a team, ALL NORMAL server discussions...

    wait, who are you again? the fact that a nobody recognizes the name Team Eye proves that your claim is false

    @Sabades So I realized "well this kid is toxic 24/7, staff encourage it and don't care, so I'm gonna be toxic back"

    factually false. staff don't encourage what he does. not intervening =/= encouragement. black and white logical fallacy

    @Sabades We go into this whole argument about coincidence & him purposely saying "florida is a shithole" everytime I type is a "coincidence" then he goes completely off topic talking about me personally, insulting me, assuming.

    unsubstantiated claim

    @Sabades So I answered a questioned they asked scientifically. They then called me racist (ofc they did because their trolls)

    ad hominem logical fallacy

    @Sabades Basically I'm pist


  5. Continuing to harass an individual who has gotten in trouble based on your stupid antics is rather asinine, you'd think you'd be smart enough to leave well enough alone.

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