Do you feel it? The tides are turning,,,
The waves are different...
The currents are changing...
No? Okay
Through a series of events a shark faction now exists. Lets have a little Q&A session huh?
Whats the point of this faction?
To be whatever. We don't have a set point really. Do whatever your shark heart desires
Can i raid you guys :^)?
Sure! Oh wait i mean no. Nooppeee
Whos in the faction bruuhh?
Shrug. Who needs organisation anyways am i right?
We have about 3 people at the moment
Are you really a shark?
....Yes... Sure...
Hes a man in a shark costume!
Thats enough questions for today
Best faction blah blah Amazing blah blah join us blah
Yeah yeah i know. Whats the point of alla this? We have none! :D As a shark we can do anything we wish, whether thats chill out and build a base or explore, we have a little something for anyone and everyone
If anyone wants to join message me in game or on the forums and we can talk about it. Thats literally it xD
Tl:dr We will be a easy going faction for all. Thats it
We are The Sharks and [Line removed due to copyright infringement]
Our home so far: