Why do you play

  1. 8 years ago

    I have been noticing a lot of negative or depressing posts it's kind of bringing me down. So I thought I would remind myself why I play Minecraft We are all Crafty Myners, we should be there for one another.

    I enjoy playing minecraft because I like the interaction with others. I played on xbox and got tired of building awesome things and not being able to show them off. I also enjoy seeing other crafty myners builds seeing different ways of doing things and different styles. There is also a vast amount of knowledge on this server. If I ever run into a situation with redstone or I am not sure how something works I can always just ask and someone will know the answer.

  2. I had a similar experience to Eberk91, played single player survival, then realized it was way to easy and lonely. I love the added danger that someone could discover my base at anytime and I love making friends and helping fellow builders. Plus taking on ridiculously large projects just to see if it can be done in survival Minecraft.


  3. I only recently started playing minecraft on PC. Before then it was mostly just the lonely survival on pocket edition and Ps3. But playing here is so much more fun. Theres interaction, Fighting, Hiding, collaberation and all that.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by AP0C4L1P53

    When I log in to CM as part of the great Community of CraftyMynes! being staff, I have only 1 goal in mind: give an exceptional experience to every1.

  5. I too come from the console world. Maybe people need to go play console just to see how great crafty mynes is.

  6. What keeps me playing this game. well thats a bloody loaded question aint it :P

    im a terrible builder, most everything i decorate gets destroyed and rebuilt by someone obviously better color coordinated .. i cant redstone very well- 9/10 my machines dont work and i end up breaking others... im a terrible PVPer (best streak i had was 1 kill after 17 deaths).. my only minecraft ability is digging a hole.
    But ive been here for two years now and whats always brought me back was not the game at all.

    When i first started minecraft, it was to play with my brother. we joined a survival server and i proceeded to build myself a giant dirt semicircle house thing i called "Barons Bio-Dome". it contained everything- single person farm, oak tree roof, mine, nether portal.. While i was there, i would watch the chat, never really saying much, but i noticed a tift constatnly going on between certain sects of players..

    One day, a war was declared, and i chose to step in and join the recruits of one side.... In a epic battle of nearly 10 people clashing with 10 people on a predesignated hilltop, we fought- we fought, and fought.. with bows and swords and buckets of lava, potions of strength and a secret weapon called Cyanide (later i discovered it was not actually a potion you could make, it was taken from a spawn area, meant to kill you if you got stuck in a labrynth).. Anyway, We won the war in the end and i joined my first group.. We spent months building massive bases, having them get destroyed by our rivals and building again elsewhere.

    They taught me many things i didn't know existed, like nether roof travel, invisible red stone traps and how there were actual levels designated to certain ores... I made friends, and after a short year together, lots of laughs and crazy antics later, CraftyMyner shared with the group his red stone development server. it held 10 people when i first saw it and youve seen how its grown since then XD. Through trolls and hackers, corruptions, power failures and data wipes, thieves and liars and honest to god crazy people- im here for the people i love and believe in.

    My little circle of friends keeps growing.. all ages, all types and all around the world, i get to talk and laugh and have fun with. As long as my friends are here, as long as CraftyMynes runs and probably longer, i play because of the people. Because what fun is being able to do anything i can think of if theres no one to share it with.

  7. @BaronBattleBread You've summed it up well :D

  8. @BaronBattleBread definitely a good story

  9. I found craftymynes during a time when I couldn't find any other friends to hang out with. My wife and I were in a long distance relationship. It wasn't great. Craftymynes was a fun friendly community that I could hang out with.

  10. I kind of stumbled upon CraftyMynes myself The only interaction I had playing the game was either singleplayer or in a household multiplayer even at then I never learned any skills one would obtain in a community. I would of never joined any Minecraft servers if it wasn't for my broken tablet pen.. I resided on an art site to spend my days and hours and was quite popular I had a small group of fans, but after my pen broke I had no other way to kill time until I got a replacement this lasted about a month or two and during so I decided to search for just casual vanilla Minecraft play and entertain me but with other people for the short time. I remember first logging in and watching Crafty and other admins decorate for Easter like an amazed creep lmao I was such a noob I walked out of the wilderness didn't even tpa and just built a house there I had no idea what coords were. I just figured hiding in a forest would save me and it actually did surprisingly no one raided it before I moved out and joined raw0rz and other players. Haha also an admin once played tricks on me spawning torches and looking in my one chest in that house I freaked out having no clue admins could do that I thought the server was glitching hahahaha! I was almost the complete opposite of what I am now I was deeply withdrawn and very silent and shy no one really knew of my existence until a spawn fight occured over a tiny ass house us noobs were building right where spawned ended and people in diamond took it over and kept killing us that kind of brung out my sass and over confidence in the end it was more of a fun game trying to claim the small house. After that I dropped my art for a long time just to play I was so hooked and ended up making cherishing friends that still play today. I decided on trying Minecraft art and man... Was it so bad.. I mean it was horrid not what i was used to, drawing block people can be a challenge hahah! Oh man but after a while I got hooked on Minecraft art as well and honestly this server had touched me so much and has changed me so much if it wasn't for this server I wouldn't have been doing Minecraft art in the first place NEVER have I been thankful for a broken tablet pen. After a while my art was displayed in front of all spawn and I made a decision of always sticking with this group I found a place on a silly block game I found my home in Minecraft.

  11. "I'm here for the people I love and believe in." - Baron.

    Could not agree with this statement more, though I would add self expression to it.

  12. I love playing with other people, as i have had my share of lonely single player. I also love to build things in minecraft. Something about making something, standing back and going "I made that" really is a satisfying experience for any builder.

  13. Yeah, Baron said it all already but I came across CM on a whim. My friend shneedster and I wanted a place to play when we weren't in the vicinity of each other, so we looked up CraftyMynes on a list of survival servers. TL;DR that was almost 9 months ago and I haven't looked back, nor did I think I would meet and get to know so many awesome people on here. #praiseCrafty

  14. I played with Legos a lot as a kid, MC came natural and satisfied a love of organization when I picked it up in HS the summer of my sophomore year. I found CM when looking for a good vanilla server with good use of the command blocks, and things have only gotten more polished in the year I've been around.

  15. We started playing MC because there was so much that could be done. It was like a plague that swept over us, there was something for everyone! But we played on consoles and we couldn’t all always play together with life's limitation. :(

    So one of us, remaining unnamed, ventured out and found this amazing server where we could all exercise our individual talents! A clean environment not limited by invisible walls and silly ideas that only suited some.

    Now, no matter when, what, or where from, we can still play together, helping each other.. Its something different for each of us but now we are never alone, bored, or left out and more of us are coming!

  16. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  17. I Always played minecraft on my PlayStation and it's how I started to like it. As a kid I always played these knock off building games and I loved it.
    Anyways after getting it on pc,I built a creative and survival world and spent a few months building on them. When a second account came into my hands, I gave it to my girlfriend at the time, in hopes we could play together.
    I wanted a server like single player, but with a multiplayer thing to it. I couldn't figure out a lot of other servers, especially the commands on the bukkit and spigot ones (as i only ever played single player) so i decided on vanilla, as i knew that's minecraft without mods
    The server was the first I came across on the list, and when I first came on I didn't feel as lost as I did on the others. I told everyone why I was here and I was kindly let live in a village with a few people. Later on my girlfriend at the time came on, and bascilly trolled people into thinking i was cheating on her and we let, and went on a creative one
    When I came back on the next few times, instead of hate from her actions, people were kind to me and I explained what happened. Eventually I became better at the game, to the point of leaving my first village to live further out
    The servers bascilly is all I could ever of dreamed of. It's exactly what I wanted in one, and the community has been one of the best ones I have ever seen. When I've been in a dark place instead of being ignored, or pushed to silence, I've only ever gotten support. I couldn't dream of playing on another server, it just wouldn't work. As far as I'm concerned, craftymynes is sorta like a home ^~^ with its community as a family

  18. ^ dis guy is right

  19. I had been playing solo. My friend bought me an account. I don't pay for games I think its a waste of time and money, but quite frankly playing here these past couple of months has been helping me with my depression. I 42. I have been collaborating with people i have met here. its been fun. Really the worst part about this server is the maturity level of the "moderators" when they are having a bad day or when they gang up on players. That makes me not want to be here.

    I play here because there ARE people i enjoy interacting with. Its cool to see how far out we can go etc.

  20. I play here because of the amazing community. Everyone here is just amazing and I love talking to you guys. It usually cheers me up when I'm down. I haven't been on much but I know I'll be back once my computer is fixed. Y'all are great.!

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