@Silver_Sonya R4, you should really get your own thoughts instead of defending and repeating every nonsense other staff have to say.
I made a post just as big as Cepheids detailing my opinions on what he said so such an assertion is clearly false, instead of weakening you argument with childish comments like that why don't you just detail it instead.
@Silver_Sonya Max connected player stats (Total / Change in %):
Dec 16 = 78 players
Jan 17 = 70 players / -10%
Feb 17 = 67 players / -4%
Mar 17 = 60 players / -10%
Apr 17 = 52 players / -13%
I don't know where you guys live but 4 month worth of exam-weeks doesn't make any sense to me.
Last year there's been a constant growth from January to June.

(link in case img does not display: https://ibb.co/caJuO5)
Where are you sourcing this data ?
For any valid analysis to be made of player data we need a reference point using other similar vanilla servers too, otherwise we cannot know if it's a general trend or isolated to CM.
@Silver_Sonya I especially adore how you and Baron truly believe that if something doesn't make sense to you it must be invalid ("meaningless repetition of something already shown not to be valid"). Who decided OP's points are invalid? They're still valid for me. And please take a look at the summary I've put together for you. The thread is full of people that (OH NO) would like to see problems addressed.
You may think they are valid but that's irrelvant to the logical content of those points, I put that they are invalid since I rebutted the reasoning he used in many of his points and showed that most of the points were fallacious or based on false information.
Also as a native English speaker I'm unsure where you got such an obscure definition of invalid, for example when you google it the first result for the adjective is.
not valid, in particular:
(especially of an argument, statement, or theory) not true because based on erroneous information or unsound reasoning.
Which agrees with both our usages of it.
@Silver_Sonya Post number / agree or disagree with OP / (name):
- OP post
- Neutral (GrinningBobcat)
- Admin post (Blackened_Dawn)
- Mostly agrees (STRANGER_)
- Agrees (Retrochewy)
- Neutral (GrinningBobcat)
- Neutral (Pimpcy)
- Admin post (Blackened_Dawn)
- Agrees (GrinningBobcat)
- Agrees (_Confederacy_ )
- Admin post (CraftyMyner)
- Mostly agrees (OtherGreenGamer)
- Admin post (CraftyMyner)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Neutral (OtherGreenGamer)
- Neutral (Sofatroll)
- Neutral (GrinningBobcat)
- Neutral (_Confederacy_ )
- Mostly agrees (Jordi223b)
- Mostly disagrees (pand1024)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Disagrees (TimmyBoyT)
- Neutral (Pimpcy)
- Agrees (Cileklim)
- Neutral (Pimpcy)
- Admin post (Blackened_Dawn)
- Agrees (Cutebot)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Disagrees (Zane_Truesdale)
- Agrees (Cileklim)
- Disagrees (Cellexya)
- Agrees (Cileklim)
- Disagrees (Cellexya)
- Agrees (Cileklim)
- Disagrees (Cellexya)
- Neutral (GrinningBobcat)
- Disagrees (Dennari43)
- Disagrees (Jordi223b)
- Admin post (CraftyMyner)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Neutral (Retrochewy)
- Neutral (Shiba_Ina)
- Neutral (Cileklim)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Disagrees (TheForgotten20)
- Neutral (ghostassasin81)
- Neutral (Cutebot)
- Neutral (ghostassasin81)
- Neutral (Carl_Sagan1)
- Agrees (Constantium)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Neutral (GrinningBobcat)
- Admin post (CraftyMyner)
- Agrees (TacoJesus)
- Admin post (CraftyMyner)
- Admin post (Venetorem)
- Admin post (Blackened_Dawn)
- Neutral (TacoJesus)
- Admin post (R4iscool1)
- Agrees (Silver_Sonya)
However, instead of listening to the community you guys keep ignoring it.
This is a very flawed way of looking at things, for a start most of the community is not represented on the forums and even fewer comment on it regularly so drawing what the community wants from the forums is faulty reasoning.
Number 2. Staff are part of the community too our opinions count too, being staff doesn't invalidate your opinion on how you want things to be run. We play the server too and have the right to have our say, we are part of the community. I'm not an admin nor is vene nor is anyone with blue tag either.
Number 3. You are counting people twice for unknown reasons, people posting twice and getting counted twice does not mean their opinion counts for two.
Also you misrepresented some people, for example nowhere does Othergreengamer say he mostly agrees all he stated was he would like more clarity on certain rules and he received it and was happy.
Jordi also says there is a problem only if they aren't requested to be destroyed which they are.
So when you count the erroneous votes you put in the tally in your favor and counting every person only once is
AAAAAAAA That's 8 for agree
DDDDDDD 7 for disagree
So clearly the interpretation that most of the community agrees has no real evidence to support it.
15 players does not represent even a faction of the community.
@Silver_Sonya Just an example of how community concerns are being ignored (same applies for many other complaints):
Community: We don't want to see other people getting OP or unobtainable items as bday gifts.
Admins: They're not OP.
Community: Doesn't matter, they're unobtainable and create an unpleasant precedent.
Admins: The player is trusted.
Community: Promise not to give such items in the future?
Admins: Such items have special vanishing flags on them.
Again you are not the community you have no evidence to support that the community agrees with your assertions here beyond less than 8 forum posters so please stop representing yourself as such and label, it as your own opinion.
But yes FYI, the items are not OP
nor does your definition of vanilla not containing custom items hold bearing on how CM should be run
and the items have vanishing flags making them unobtainable to anyone other than the player intended to receive it.
@Silver_Sonya It is obvious that the community is upset (again, bday gift case is just an easy-to-explain example). This will probably affect some players' decision whether or not to stay on the server. Max connected players stats are decreasing for 4 month in a row now (for a total drop of 33%, 78 players in Dec to 52 in Apr).
It's obvious you are upset leading to this post but once again I stress you are just saying the community agrees with you and have no evidence to actually support that assertion, no more than If I said the entire community agrees with me always on every matter.
Upset over what though, most of the complaints have not only been rebutted but more importantly these concerns were only ever raised 6 days ago, most players were unaware of the gift so how could they possibly leave due to it ? It's more specious reasoning.
Trying to attribute any sort of decline solely to that is just disingenuous, if there is a decline and it's not a trend the reason is far more likely the current lag problems with vanilla which affect us as the largest by far vanilla server especially.
@Silver_Sonya So maybe it's the right time to get off a high horse and (instead of marking all complaint-posts as invalid) say something as simple as:
Community: We don't want to see other people getting OP or unobtainable items as bday gifts.
Admins: OK, this is not going to happen again.
inb4 who are you, you don't even play here, your comment is invalid
I don't think anyone but you is on the high horse and we will mark any point that is fallacious like a couple of yours above as such. Or should we just listen to every point regardless of it's merit ?
SilverSonya: I say the community doesn't want to see this happening.
Admins: You are one player and do not represent community and we feel your concerns are unwarranted.
Also facts are fact regardless of source but given the fact you don't play it does seem to suggest that rather than wanting CM to succeed you just have a bone to grind instead and would do so regardless of the merit of the complaints.