I gave this more thought instead of working...
The rating system could work something like this:
I am not too familiar with command blocks or coding in general but...
I assume it can be programmed to store a number attribute to each player ign without killing Crafty.
And setting that initial number to 50, I presume, is still easy enough.
Also, I presume that setting a function to add or subtract a point on command would still be
Finally, setting another function (such as rating?) that displays the number or, better yet, a title associated with that number(see below) for the person querying( like the existing kd? prompt), is also presumed not much of heavy work.
So with that said, a Fresh non-rated status would be at 50(0 if commandblock can retain negative number).
A committee member could endorse/denounce a player 1 point each time a deed worth rating, such as assisting/hunting down a new player, is observed.
The resulting number would be a player's current standing, and will be displayed in title only to make it more intuitive.
Here's the example of title and associated rating range:
>79 Saint
70~79 Crafty's Approved
60~69 The Good
50~59 Good?
50 No standing
40~49 Bad?
30~39 The Bad
20~29 Crafty's Damned
<29 Evil
Again, really not feeling like working today...