Caught Crafty v2

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @Cankicker8 @Retrochewy i am quite suprised that you are getting 60 fps with that is in your computer.

    lol Lenovo yoga FTW!

  3. -image-

  4. @Rybye -image-

    GG. another one down, what is that now 11 for @Rybye ?

  5. i always see staff around and i saw Crafty a couple of times. i didn't know this was a thing. should i take a snap of them?

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Dennari43

    @Carl_Sagan1 i always see staff around and i saw Crafty a couple of times. i didn't know this was a thing. should i take a snap of them?

    Go for it. Currently it's a solo game for Rybye, but any non staff can jump in and share the glory. Here's the updated list.

    Yet to be caught(Loner Staff) :

    CraftyMyner Server Owner
    AP0C4L1P53 Admin
    Blackened_Dawn Admin
    GibsonAxe Admin
    grantbanana Admin
    rnc2011 Admin
    Dannysharks Mod Level 2
    Beedobi Helper
    MizoreShirayuki Helper
    PapaNeon Helper
    Slattern Helper
    Thegoldsmith Helper
    Kinkybobo Helper

    Wall of Losers - R4:
    Venetorem Mod Level 2 (Retrochewy) (Wallows in salt)
    BaronBattleBread Admin (Retrochewy)
    ryleeraee Admin (Blueplauge)
    Nysic Admin (Blueplauge)
    2Chill Mod Level 2(Rybye)
    cepheid Helper (Riemory)
    Skylalia Admin(Dennari)
    Tez1010 Mod Level 1 (Kinkyboss)
    WBlaine Mod Level 1 (Rybye)
    Cellexya Mod Level 1 (Rybye)
    Jellybon Helper(Rybye)
    R4IsNub1 Mod Level 3(failed despite his own assurance he'd win) (Rybye)
    Tezzer Mod Level 1 (Rybye)
    InubHD Admin (Dennari)
    EnderConstructor Helper (Rybye)
    Dennari43 Helper (Rybye)
    CreeperLord170 Mod Level 2 (Rybye)
    Kinkyboss Helper (Rybye)
    Blueplauge Helper (Rybye)

    Number of Catches per Player:
    Blueplauge-2 (n/a-helper)
    Dennari-2 (n/a-helper)
    Kinkyboss-1 (n/a-helper)

  7. Totally still a helper ;)

  8. -image-

  9. @Carl_Sagan1 -image-

    He was caught already ;)

  10. @Carl_Sagan1 -image-

    oh no u got me ;/

  11. Aha, so i must catch the ones who havent been caught

  12. @2Chill oh no u got me ;/

    hehe yes i did :3

  13. Edited 7 years ago by Beedobi

    Also @Carl_Sagan1 it has to be a selfie including you and the staff member, not just a screenshot of them.

  14. @Beedobi Also @Carl_Sagan1 it has to be a selfie including you and the staff member, not just a screenshot of them.

    Oi let him have his fun ;/ .

  15. @Beedobi Also @Carl_Sagan1 it has to be a selfie including you and the staff member, not just a screenshot of them.

    okay haha cool :D

  16. -image-

  17. @Rybye -image-

    Hah not even 12 hours

  18. -image-

  19. you thought that was a rubix cube, but it was actually a grantbanana. Bamboozled again!

  20. @grantbanana you thought that was a rubix cube, but it was actually a grantbanana. Bamboozled again!

    wow! mind blown! how did you know that!

  21. Edited 7 years ago by Retrochewy

    Yo, Ry's gotta get a reward for doing the impossible, as quoted:
    "Can't lost Caught Crafty"
    "If you never come online"
    also what's dat texture pack?

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