1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by DirectXFehler

    There is a broken impossible part on the parkour. I contacted a helper (only staff on) and he told me he already knew about this. I don't understand why it is like this here is pic: -image-

  2. Hmm, looks like 1.12 messed some other stuff up.

  3. i dont get how 1.12 would mess up vine placement...

  4. @Cankicker8 i dont get how 1.12 would mess up vine placement...

    Me neither, but it happened

  5. Craflymyner ! :D

  6. It didnt mess up vine placement, but vine permability on particular surfaces. 1.12 includes "MC-117960 – Strange vines behaviour"

    and that means we're goping to have to redo that area of the parkour,
    possibly without vines at all.

  7. @BaronBattleBread It didnt mess up vine placement, but vine permability on particular surfaces. 1.12 includes "MC-117960 – Strange vines behaviour"

    MC-117960 – Strange vines behaviour is to do with vines growing on top of other vines I shouldn't think it would cause this.
    You sure someone didn't just break them accidentally or its not something to do with how you stop them from growing (I am a bit curious how you've done that too)?

    Only other thing remotely related I could find was MC-118221 - Vines cannot be placed below non-solid blocks .

    Not sure if this helps, thought I'd try anyway.

  8. @NutjobBob MC-117960 – Strange vines behaviour is to do with vines growing on top of other vines I shouldn't think it would cause this.
    You sure someone didn't just break them accidentally or its not something to do with how you stop them from growing (I am a bit curious how you've done that too)?

    Only other thing remotely related I could find was MC-118221 - Vines cannot be placed below non-solid blocks .

    Not sure if this helps, thought I'd try anyway.

    if you put string below vines you can stop them from growing

  9. @Cankicker8 if you put string below vines you can stop them from growing

    That was my first thought, but I couldn't see any string in the image above. Maybe I need an eye test but I don't think there actually is any. In the current version you actually can't use string to make vines stay in the shape of the C, R of F above because of the bug I mentioned.
    I guess Crafty came up with a clever alternative.

  10. It has to do with the string used to stop the vines from growing down. In 1.11.2 you were able to place vines below string, but now you can't. It wouldn't be such a big deal if we didn't cause block updates that would remove the vines, however, the vines themselves cause their own block updates when they try to grow. This causes any of the vines that are loaded and have string above them to randomly disappear.

  11. Wouldn't it be a simple fix to use barrier blocks?

  12. Does this mean that the vine pk will be replaced with something really difficult?

  13. @NerdieBirdieYT Wouldn't it be a simple fix to use barrier blocks?

    No, because barrier blocks are solid blocks, so it would alter the parkour

  14. @Jordi223b Ahhh good point. Perhaps signs or item frames then, although that would look worse. You could just replace the vines with ladders tbh.

  15. @NerdieBirdieYT @Jordi223b Ahhh good point. Perhaps signs or item frames then, although that would look worse. You could just replace the vines with ladders tbh.

    Wouldn't ladders make it too easy? You can stand on ladders, but you can't stand on vines.

  16. It would be easier to just remake that part with something else.

  17. @CraftyMyner It would be easier to just remake that part with something else.

    Yay, the only parkour that was easy is going to be removed, as well as being replaced with something that will probably be at least 10x harder! I love this update!

  18. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @The3xpertGamer Yay, the only parkour that was easy is going to be removed, as well as being replaced with something that will probably be at least 10x harder! I love this update!

    I have something in mind ;)

    Parkour is due for a small update!

  19. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    closed the parkour for now to avoid further confusion(oh wow dawn u were actually online for once wtf)

  20. How to parkour

  21. 7 years ago

    God i hate my luck with parkour

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