Nerdnation: Applications

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  2. 7 years ago

    That would really belong in the thread that describes the story of NN rather than its recruiting thread. But I'm not nerdy either. :)

  3. @Cankicker8 Under consideration! Thanks for applying.

    @TheForgotten20 Denied, and you really need to get over that. XD You obviously do not understand how our faction operates. Get over yourself.

    @DoppyRex I would prefer that in a PM. :)

  4. @NerdieBirdieYT @Cankicker8 Under consideration! Thanks for applying.

    @TheForgotten20 Denied, and you really need to get over that. XD You obviously do not understand how our faction operates. Get over yourself.

    @DoppyRex I would prefer that in a PM. :)

    how many seconds did it take you to make that decision?

  5. @NerdieBirdieYT @Cankicker8 Under consideration! Thanks for applying.

    @TheForgotten20 Denied, and you really need to get over that. XD You obviously do not understand how our faction operates. Get over yourself.

    @DoppyRex I would prefer that in a PM. :)

    What about my application

  6. @Rybye What about my application

    Yeah, @NerdieBirdieYT You forgot Rybye's application! He is a very useful player, as you saw when he raided your base!

  7. Lol

  8. Edited 7 years ago by The3xpertGamer

    @NerdieBirdieYT @Cankicker8 Under consideration! Thanks for applying.

    @TheForgotten20 Denied, and you really need to get over that. XD You obviously do not understand how our faction operates. Get over yourself.

    @DoppyRex I would prefer that in a PM. :)

    @NerdieBirdieYT Get over yourself.

    How do you get over... yourself...
    I don't mean to be "that guy", but...

  9. @TheForgotten20 Didn't even have to get through your entire application before it was denied, seeing as it was one big joke hitting on NN.

    @Rybye I'm really confused if you're kidding or not, because you keep bringing this up. XD We obviously are not going to accept you.

    @The3xpertGamer It's a pretty common phrase. Basically it just means "get over it".

  10. Edited 7 years ago by Cankicker_

    @NerdieBirdieYT @TheForgotten20 Didn't even have to get through your entire application before it was denied, seeing as it was one big joke hitting on NN.

    @Rybye I'm really confused if you're kidding or not, because you keep bringing this up. XD We obviously are not going to accept you.

    @The3xpertGamer It's a pretty common phrase. Basically it just means "get over it".

    i think TheForgotten20's application is a modified version of Rybye's application.

  11. @Cankicker8 Yeah, noticed some of the same wording, lol.

  12. No thoughts on my application nerdy?

  13. @Czechmate Sent you a friend request on Discord. :)

  14. Good detective work @Cankicker8 want a badge?

  15. @TopsNeverStops Good detective work @Cankicker8 want a badge?

    yeah and a raise would be good too

  16. Wow, really redeemed yourself there. @Cankicker8

  17. @Cankicker8 yeah and a raise would be good too


  18. Edited 7 years ago by Muggspud0627

    IGN: MuggSpud0627
    Age: 16 very very mature
    Discord: MuggSpud0627#3569
    Time: I just joined today!!!!
    About me: Im 16 and I'm a girl and i love to build and play mc with people cuz mc is awesome and I heard so much good stuff about this faction
    Former Factions: I was the leader of spud sky on my old server and i was part of a group who's name i forgot on the same server
    Why join nn: I love factions and I'm like so awesome cuz i love to build and help people
    Why should I be accepted: Because Im way more mature than ill the twelve year olds theat play mc today so sad;-;

  19. Edited 7 years ago by Eisa_Non_1


    My current age is 17, and I would consider myself to be mature. Working at a barely legal age of 14 and grew up with six siblings and a rare to none parental figure. It's fairly easy to find ways to take care of yourself. The issue that alot of people have with online communities is how serious they take it. When you see someone flip **** over something they shouldn't care about it's off putting. I'm not one of those people. I can negotiate and influence anyone of any age if need be. I have experience more than a 17 year old would need to have.
    Discord: (Probably should've had this sooner) Eisa_Non / #4164

    Approximate Time on CM:
    I used to play back on like 1.8, so it's been a while, I recognize some names here and there though. Approximate time would be 8 months.
    About Me:
    I understand why you're asking, but to explain in text is to tell taste through sound. We can chat for a long time if you'd like, but I find it difficult to talk about. Especially publicly where the whole of forums can see.
    What I like about Minecraft is the freedom in community and creativity, but the necessity to always support yourself. You wouldn't ever see someone just gifted their way into power. They need to work for it. They need to build themselves and others up to achieve what they want.
    The only issues that I have with the game (ie weaknesses) are my lack of knowledge with red stone. I just haven't gotten around to delving into it. Never has it been explained to me. Building skills? Got it. Just need a little inspiration, and it has to be functional (or what's the point?). I have a great connection to the server and great computer so I can handle PvP well and am not really a coward. And I've always worked with people well. I don't have beef or develop quarrels.
    Former Factions: None, honestly never been interested in it. Been lonely lately.

    Why Join NN?
    Having and giving support to other players is what keeps both the faction and server strong. Without the struggle and challenges that this will undoubtedly go through, you won't come out on top. No pain no gain right? Well I believe that everything should be achieved as a group when you take part, and everything should be felt and lost as a group.

    Why Should You Be Accepted?
    Well for one I generally care about punctuation and spelling (not important just a fact). Understanding and listening to people is one of my strong suits. One of the ancient Roman's tactics in building fine soldiers was to make sure they felt both needed and worthy. With a large faction the little guys will sometimes fall through the cracks and I'm fairly proactive at keeping those lines of communication open. That and I'm a progressive thinker when it comes to tasks and builds, there won't ever be a bad idea out of me.

    It's admirable to lead, and to actually attract a community of followers with you is admirable as well. Respect is what failing groups don't have. I see it here.

  20. @Eisa_Non You're missing one tiny detail at the bottom- check the template. :)

    We are not taking applications for a brief time, but will notify you once we are open again. Thanks for applying!

  21. minesy

    9 Jul 2017 Suspended

    my ign is mineseyecraft

    I am 16 I am very mature (is what I have been told by my parents teachers and relatives) but I can be a comedian at times

    my discord is mineseyecraft#0144

    I have been playing for 2 weeks straight I love this server!

    I like Minecraft because you can basically do any thing! I love building and I love exploring! so that makes it very fun for me. I love to bike, swim, play video games, and hang out with my friends and look at memes. I have been stumped for a little bit so I will just say the comedian inside me. I am 15 pounds above my weight so I need to work on that. I am really good at mining and pvp. also I am not the best at spelling but I think I am ok.

    I have not been with a faction before on craftymynes

    I love to be with teams on servers! I hope to achieve being a great player hear on craftymynes!

    I think that a will be a great part of the community here at NN. I am a good builder and I think I will help this place in a positive way :)

    I have been playing Minecraft sense 2013 so I have experience. I was once the best player on a server ( I don't know if thats important) and boopadoopdoop

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