Nerdnation: Applications

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  2. 7 years ago

    IGN: TheSpiderman2013

    Gender: m

    Discord: scentedwaffles (#6298)

    Time on CM (ticks): +- 20 million (old server/s, so no screenshots.) grand total of 0 ticks on 1.12 or whatever update.

    About Me: Hi. I enjoy minecraft pvp and building. As mentioned in the description, I suck at redstone and building, but enjoy the latter. I am not shy, and have been described by my fellow man as "interesting". I am fairly adept at pvp, and like pizza. I am also sometimes very sarcastic, so hopefully you can get past that. I also tend to read news articles while brewing potions etc. so may be zoning out from time to ttime.

    Former Factions: bladerunners, and some sort of sheep clan cant remember. they were both building and teamwork factions, that liked making and mining stuff. I've mostly been a lone player for the most part, though I had friends at my base from time to time.

    Why Join NN?
    I'm bored, and would like to be accepted back. I've taken a break from cm for a while, and want to join back.

    Why do you want to join NN? What do you hope to achieve? There are many factions out there. Why did you choose us?

    I want to join NN because you guyhs seem like a friendly group. I've watched you personally, and it seems as though you have the best interest in mind for each of the members. I hope to be a trusted member eventually, and have fun in the process. NN seems to be full of lighthearted, easygoing people, and I wish to be a part of that.

    Why Should You Be Accepted?

    All things being equal, I really shouldn't. I tend to be looked at as a 'raider' or 'griefer' type person. I indeed have raided quite a few bases in my time, and wish to be part of a group now. I would completely understand if you reject me, as I have had a somewhat questionable past.

    Beside that, I should be accepted because I usually have a friendly demeanor, and am good with working with a team. I am generally free for at least a half hour per day, and play quite often.

    What makes you stand out from other applicants? Any particular set of skills or a certain personality? Perhaps experience? Let us know.
    I am 'famous' for being able to eat 1 kg of spaghetti in under 7 minutes.

    Other: boopadoopdoop.

  3. @TheSpiderman2013 You will be considered. Expect a reply within 2-3 days. Thanks for applying!

  4. Edited 7 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    IGN: DankerFan

    Gender: Male

    Discord: DankerFan#9841 (Already in the discord server)

    Approximate Time on CM: 600,000 Exception, Tubby asked Nerdie and Nerdie said it was ok

    About Me: I am DankerFan, I am Tubby's IRL friend and we hang out a lot at school and band. We have been friends for 3.5 years and I love to hang out with him. I play a lot of instruments irl and love to dedicate my time to things that pay off.

    Former Factions: None

    Why Join NN? I joined discord as a friend and I slowly came to like everyone there and what was going on, I decided that i would get MC and I have been helping Hijacked96 with some stuff that i could, I have also been talking to and getting to know everyone else that is there and I really like everyone

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I have done about 600000 ticks in three days and and in doing this i have got to hang out with HiJacked and cinder a little. I also have done some other stuff on the server but i am not going to disclose it on this because I probably should not post it on forums

    Other: I have been in 1 FamilyTuber video i was Known as bomb, I also have an enormous appitite. I know lots of jokes and occasionally have some of my own that i make up, In one semester tubby and I tried to make 1000 punns, we made the goal and i made approximetly 850 of them and lost my sanity in it as well, After extensive counsoling sessions i am now sane again and proud of it, if you ask me to make a pun i might and might Knot. I spelled that wrong yep. That is because i am also a Boy Scout and can tie tons of knots.

  5. IGN: JuraraJupiter

    Gender: Female

    Discord: JuraraJupiter#7626

    Approximate Time on CM: 40 million ticks on this map, been here since 1.8.

    About Me: I like redstone and I'm bad at PvP

    Former Factions: Lovebirds

    Why Join NN? Idk I want a group/place to do redstone and other building for.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? Because I'm already in the faction

    Other: boopadoopdoopaspoopmcgoop

  6. @JuraraJupiter Accepted for being a birb <3


    Applications are currently closed. Updates on joining NN will be announced in the next few days.

  7. While I'm not technically in NN can I still donate for the next bases?

  8. Edited 7 years ago by j____a____r____d

    IGN: deyahruhd

    Gender: Non-binary genderfluid

    Discord: deyahruhd#9776

    Approximate Time on CM: It's everyday bro, with Team Eye's flow, 5 million ticks on CraftyMynes in 2 years, never done before

    About Me: I like PvP and I'm bad at redstone. I'm good at praising people and teaching players the benefits of a faction. T. TeamEyeGospel

    Former Factions: Team Eye. They're all a bunch of meany poo poo butthead bullies who hurt my feewings :( nah FUCK that, I still rep Team Eye as the best minecraft faction ever. But...

    Why Join NN? I can praise NerdNation and align everyone to your side after that fake leaker debacle.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I've made Team Eye the most popular faction on CraftyMynes, and I can do the same for NN.

    Other: boopadoopdoop

  9. @Sirchristopher10 If you want to (:

  10. Imma try again, cause I have nowhere else to go
    IGN: goofygirl313

    Gender: Female

    Discord: I quit discord

    Approximate Time on CM: in ticks, it's 1210984

    About Me: I'm an only child that spend to much time on the computer, I enjoy singing, drawing, playing Minecraft, talking to people, and watching youtube. I also am a big undertale and Pokemon nerd I make friends easily as well.

    Former Factions: I have been in no other factions.

    Why Join NN? I enjoy playing CraftMyens and being in out of houses is not fun, I'd just like to stay in one place.

    Why Should You Be Accepted? I would like to be in a faction and have other people to help me and friends I can go to when a creeper blows me up.

    Other: not like you need to know but I do suffer from anxiety,
    boopaboop :)

  11. @goofygirl313 Applications are currently closed. NN is meeting about applications and such tonight. Whatever the case may be, I'm sure Discord will be a requirement.

  12. Deleted 7 years ago by Yul
  13. After tonight's meeting, NerdNation has decided to lock its door. We are now an invite-only faction, meaning there are no applications and no asking to join. Instead, we will reach out to you if we'd like you to join.

  14. Nerd Nation has now begun the process of copying the way that Team Eye does things. They realize that we are the superior faction since we don't get raided every other week and are now changing their ways to try to catch up to us (which they never will).

  15. SC has used invite-only on and off for years, ever since its creation. They're copying a superior faction all right, but it's not Team Eye :P

  16. @Dennari43 SC has used invite-only on and off for years, ever since its creation. They're copying a superior faction all right, but it's not Team Eye :P

    strangers company is full of nobodies, team eye has the richest and most powerful players on the server.

    also we own the egg xd

  17. always the egg it has to be dosnt it

  18. @DoppyRex they have nothing else to gloat about. you gotta give them what little they have sometimes

  19. Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00

    @SharpSerac lol but ya'll are just piggy-backing off your mole tho

    also, sharp, my man, you can get defensive about your faction all day, but at the end of the day team eye isn't the only faction to ever be-invite only. we're just swapping to invite-only simply because that's the smarter move for us to do in the end. nothing about copying ya'll, but hey, that's none of my bussiness

    whatever makes you have sweet dreams my guy

  20. @Dennari43 @DoppyRex they have nothing else to gloat about. you gotta give them what little they have sometimes

    we have probably the closest bonded faction on the server, the most raids pulled off, the longest living active faction, most riches acquired, and we are the most skilled at pvp.

    but ya know, whatever makes you feel better lol, say we got nothing bucko

    @GrandpaCarl00 @SharpSerac lol but ya'll are just piggy-backing off your mole tho

    we didn't even get any of the riches because of our mole, we got that just because we're the best players on cm

  21. @SharpSerac

    that isn't the point tho B

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