IGN: TheSpiderman2013
Gender: m
Discord: scentedwaffles (#6298)
Time on CM (ticks): +- 20 million (old server/s, so no screenshots.) grand total of 0 ticks on 1.12 or whatever update.
About Me: Hi. I enjoy minecraft pvp and building. As mentioned in the description, I suck at redstone and building, but enjoy the latter. I am not shy, and have been described by my fellow man as "interesting". I am fairly adept at pvp, and like pizza. I am also sometimes very sarcastic, so hopefully you can get past that. I also tend to read news articles while brewing potions etc. so may be zoning out from time to ttime.
Former Factions: bladerunners, and some sort of sheep clan cant remember. they were both building and teamwork factions, that liked making and mining stuff. I've mostly been a lone player for the most part, though I had friends at my base from time to time.
Why Join NN?
I'm bored, and would like to be accepted back. I've taken a break from cm for a while, and want to join back.
Why do you want to join NN? What do you hope to achieve? There are many factions out there. Why did you choose us?
I want to join NN because you guyhs seem like a friendly group. I've watched you personally, and it seems as though you have the best interest in mind for each of the members. I hope to be a trusted member eventually, and have fun in the process. NN seems to be full of lighthearted, easygoing people, and I wish to be a part of that.
Why Should You Be Accepted?
All things being equal, I really shouldn't. I tend to be looked at as a 'raider' or 'griefer' type person. I indeed have raided quite a few bases in my time, and wish to be part of a group now. I would completely understand if you reject me, as I have had a somewhat questionable past.
Beside that, I should be accepted because I usually have a friendly demeanor, and am good with working with a team. I am generally free for at least a half hour per day, and play quite often.
What makes you stand out from other applicants? Any particular set of skills or a certain personality? Perhaps experience? Let us know.
I am 'famous' for being able to eat 1 kg of spaghetti in under 7 minutes.
Other: boopadoopdoop.