Imma try again, cause I have nowhere else to go
IGN: goofygirl313
Gender: Female
Discord: I quit discord
Approximate Time on CM: in ticks, it's 1210984
About Me: I'm an only child that spend to much time on the computer, I enjoy singing, drawing, playing Minecraft, talking to people, and watching youtube. I also am a big undertale and Pokemon nerd I make friends easily as well.
Former Factions: I have been in no other factions.
Why Join NN? I enjoy playing CraftMyens and being in out of houses is not fun, I'd just like to stay in one place.
Why Should You Be Accepted? I would like to be in a faction and have other people to help me and friends I can go to when a creeper blows me up.
Other: not like you need to know but I do suffer from anxiety,
boopaboop :)