1. 6 years ago


    18 Aug 2017 Suspended
    Edited 6 years ago by minesy

    welcome to the nacho shop


    mending: 8 diamonds or 10 emeralds

    luck of the sea 3: 5 diamonds or 7 emeralds

    knock back 3: 5 diamonds or 6 emeralds

    unbreaking 3: 5 diamonds or 7 emeralds

    flame: 4 diamonds or 5 emeralds

    Curse of Vanishing: 3 diamonds or 4 emeralds

    Infinity: 4 diamonds or 6 emeralds

    curse of binding: 4 diamonds or 5 emeralds

    Looting 3: 6 diamonds or 7 emeralds

    Respiration 3: 4 diamonds or 6 emeralds

    Smite 3: 3 diamonds or 3 emeralds

    Efficiency 3: 4 diamonds or 5 emeralds

    Efficiency 5: 7 diamonds or 8 emeralds


    god fishing rod: 27 diamonds or 36 emeralds ( only one sold per week )

    unbreaking 3 rod: 6 diamonds or 8 emeralds

    luck of the sea 3 rod: 7 diamonds or 9 emeralds

    god bow: 45 diamonds or 30 emeralds

    unbreaking 3 bow: 6 diamonds or 7 emeralds

    I can get almost any bow or fishing rod you would like just msg me on craftymynes forum and I could probably get it for you.


    sadle: 1 diamond or 1 emerald

    stack of cooked fish: 6 diamonds or 8 emeralds

    ender pearls per stack: 2 diamonds or 4 emeralds

    obsidian 16: 6 diamonds or 8 emeralds
    obsidian 25: 7 diamonds or 9 emeralds
    obsidian 32: 9 diamonds or 11 emeralds
    obsidian 45: 11 diamonds or 13 emeralds
    obsidian 56: 13 diamonds or 15 emeralds

    cactus per stack: 6 diamonds or 7 emeralds

    super can per stack: 8 diamonds or 8 emeralds

    leather 16: 2 diamonds or 3 emeralds

    water melon per stack: 4 diamonds or 5 emeralds

    coco beans 32: 2 diamonds or 3 emeralds

    pumpkin 32: 3 diamonds or 4 emeralds

    blaze rods 6: 2 diamonds or 3 emeralds

    name tag: 1 diamond or 2 emeralds


    mineseyecraft head: 12 diamonds or 13 emeralds

    TimeKing297 head: 6 diamonds or 7 emeralds

    hacker heads: 7 diamonds or 8 emeralds (out of stock)

  2. A lot of this is really overpriced, just saying.

  3. I would like to buy 1 mineseyecraft head.

  4. I got a mineseyecraft head for free lel, that's what happens when you and the shop owner are good buddies

  5. Buying all hacker heads

  6. Ill buy your lysander head

  7. I need 5 of everything, yea I know it's a massive order but... can do!

  8. @mineseyecraft Not to sound rude; It says knockback 3, when the cap is 2. Just wanted to point that out to save confusion :)

  9. @OtherGreenGamer @mineseyecraft Not to sound rude; It says knockback 3, when the cap is 2. Just wanted to point that out to save confusion :)

    He's from the future you fool

  10. Ill buy all the hacker heads for more than what qfus paying. Ill also buy a minesy, timeking, and santa head

  11. I'll buy the notch apple

  12. Edited 6 years ago by Rybye

    Ill buy the notch apple for more than expert

  13. Why don't you actually shoot a prize instead of trolling?

    Yea yea you do what you want freewil etc but that's rude

  14. Any heads left?

  15. minesy

    18 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @NerdieBirdieYT thanks

  16. minesy

    18 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @Rybye ok rybye how much will you pay for the heads?

  17. minesy

    18 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @Sirchristopher10 there are mineseyecraft and TimeKing297 heads left

  18. minesy

    18 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @Cileklim ok! when will you be on?

  19. minesy

    18 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @HaloNest ok every thing has been placed in order some thing's take longer to get then other's so it may not all come at once

  20. minesy

    18 Aug 2017 Suspended
    Edited 6 years ago by minesy

    @HaloNest that would be 1380 diamonds is that ok?

  21. Newer ›

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