who would later die of cancer
who would later die of cancer
Meanwhile, the fairy godmother
knew just how to make the world
view Shrek as an out-dated meme, so...
he would die of cancer
in an attempt to
revolutionize memes with...
Guys with big forks
and pet pepe's
so he could show everyone the power of...
mineseyecraft the most powerful player on CM
Though that statement was scientifically discredited,
and burned at a later date
to be launched to space so...
Space taco bears would devour it...
mineys you arent the powerfullst player lol lmao
@MaggiAusDaKann powerfullst
more powerful*
@thegoldsmith Space taco bears would devour it...
(moving on from @thegoldsmith 's post) and be instantly poisoned due to
too much pepper,