My new PC build

  1. 7 years ago

    I'm building a new computer, and I thought i'd share it with you all. The build can be found here:

  2. New computers are always exciting.

    DDR4 excellent.

    If the build is complete, how many FPS are you able to get with minecraft?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    This really isn't the best time to build a PC due to the increased prices of graphics cards. If you can wait for a month or two, you might be able to get a better GPU for the same price or the same GPU for a lower price. I cannot guarantee it though.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by javonjw

    he might get like 500 to 1000 fps @JKELLER4000 all depends on texture pack he is using
    With a build i made close to this one on 7 days to die ,csgo, pubg, ark ,the division 60fps Rust about 100 fps

  5. Very nice

  6. I wish i was smart. good job!

  7. Edited 7 years ago by drkc97

    @JKELLER4000 New computers are always exciting.

    DDR4 excellent.

    If the build is complete, how many FPS are you able to get with minecraft?

    At this time the build is not complete. However when I do finish it I will make a follow up post, maybe with some screens of my FPS.

    I will also post updates as I build with pictures!!

  8. u got the same video card as I do =) cheers

  9. @AP0C4L1P53 u got the same video card as I do =) cheers

    Heyy sweet dude!

  10. 6 years ago

    The case and power supply are here! I would upload a picture but I don't know how to lol

  11. just upload to craftymynes discord pictures @drkc97 then you can copy the link and post it here

  12. @Cileklim This really isn't the best time to build a PC due to the increased prices of graphics cards. If you can wait for a month or two, you might be able to get a better GPU for the same price or the same GPU for a lower price. I cannot guarantee it though.

    This is really true, my 1070 Ti went from $500 to $900 in less than a month, so the prices can fluctuate a lot in a few days. This fluctuates more than the DAX

  13. @drkc97 I'm building a new computer, and I thought i'd share it with you all. The build can be found here:

    " rel="nofollow external">[/quote]
    We talked about this over Discord, but I don't remember if I asked you this question: Is this your first PC build?

    Anyways, here's mine that I built a year ago. Nice PC you're building.

  14. Personally, I would spend more on the processor, but that's just me.

    I was silly when I built my PC years ago and picked the most expensive motherboard I saw:

    At the time it was about 300 dollars. I think it will be my motherboard for probably the next 5-10 years. It has so much room for expansion.

    It's good you aren't cheaping out on your graphics card though. I cheaped out on mine and I eventually had to replace it later on.

    DDR4 is good also. I still use DDR3 since it is so much cheaper and due to Bitcoin miners DDR4 and DDR5 prices have shot up.

    Spent 5 minutes making my PC, prices have gone down quite a bit since I built mine though.

    When I built mine roughly 3 or 4 years ago it was about $400 more than it would cost now.

  15. @drkc97 i would suggest going with 2 sticks of ram that are 4 gigabytes each since dual channel is significantly better, and i would also advise you to go for a harddrive from a reputible brand if you plan to keep anything of importance on it. You may also want to put money at a power supply from a brand with a good name to uphold since a bad psu can easily kill a system. I will add a modified list to the thread for you when im at my pc.

  16. SSD if you can afford it, people say that its really worth it

  17. SSD is definitely worth it if you have the money.

  18. -image-

  19. motherboard is next

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