4 Word Story Thread

  1. 6 years ago

    OK so the rules are simple the entire CraftyMynes community creates a story 4 words at a time each building on the previous comment. this has been done before and has been generally fun and awesome. so use your imagination to make a seriously random and funny story. I'll start... (if this is ignored then that's ok)

    A Fish swam into...

  2. my sweet sixteen where...

  3. everyone was laughing because...

  4. the fish was @FishW ...

  5. and it was very....

  6. great, but then i...

  7. noticed the most horrible...

  8. thing I have ever....

  9. watched while singing a

  10. Kpop song to five...

  11. Robots, but then something...

  12. ominous appeared out of...

  13. My smelly kitchen sink...

  14. I realized it was...

  15. the spanish inquisition who...

  16. Did not look happy.


  17. He was a very

  18. distraught individual who was

  19. The legend phil swift

  20. despite his lack of,

  21. Newer ›

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